Yesterday I was talking with some professional dancers in the dressing room. We had just taken a morning ballet class. We all agreed that it had been a great series of combinations. We felt energized and happy, and were riding on the dancers' high. Our bodies felt a rush of endorphins.
One of the women commented that she really liked the energy in this particular group of people. I agreed with her. There was a harmony and ease between us, like a tribe. Most of us had all studied with master teachers, and that background was evident. Everyone was respectful, hard working, and pleasant.
It's amazing what the power of a pleasing personality can do. All of these dancers were positive, self disciplined, and well trained. When we dance, we bounce off of the vibration of each others' auras. Everyone is constantly emitting an energetic frequency. It's closely related to our emotional state. Love is the highest vibration. Something about listening to the teacher, doing the same choreography together, and dancing with the music creates a spiritual connection between us. It also affects those around us. It extends to the pianist and to anyone who is watching the class.
People are like minded when they are dancing together. You are connecting in unseen ways. It's a sensation that can't be matched, and it stays with you for the rest of the day. One dancer explained to me, "I need to dance with a group of people. I can't sit at home by myself all day, sewing costumes." I nodded, and told her that I understood what she meant. I have an etsy shop, (, and I spend many hours per day in my tiny home knitting, crocheting, and making soap. I ship these products to customers all over the US. Although I love the work, I feel much happier when I carve out time in my schedule to take ballet classes. It opens the mind and the heart, and it lifts the spirit. Master teachers change the energy of everyone in the entire room. Being in their 
presence is an uplifting and healing experience.
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