Thursday, July 25, 2024

Taking What You Learned on a European Vacation Home


Although we didn’t actually eat any pizza on my last trip to Italy, I did feel inspired to copy one of my favorite breads from a lovely restaurant around the corner from our bed and breakfast.  I dug up my favorite pizza recipe, refridgerated the dough overnight, and did my best to duplicate the olive oil and fresh rosemary bread.  It came out really well.  The chef in Umbria sprinkled coarse salt over the top, which added wonderful flavor and texture.  I’m pretty sure it was Mediterranean Sea salt. Ah!  

This was taken the night we ate dinner outside at the cooking school.  The woman next to me and I had just purchased new sun dresses at the local Farmers’ Market.  They were so reasonably priced!  They make such a nice souvenir.  I paired mine with one of my hand knitted shawls.  Our carefully prepared meal was absolutely divine!  I will never forget it.  We each received copies of the recipes.

These are some of the healthy and luscious grapes that were ripening on the vine at the winery.  Some of the ladies I traveled with ordered half a case of their favorite wine and had it sent home.  I walked through this area each morning, before breakfast.

These are some of the sweet children dressed up in their period costumes from the Medieval Festival that we attended.  They served us several courses of food and wine!  It was a fantastic evening, with hardly any tourists.

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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Italian Charm


Cooking is a central activity in Italy.  Buying or growing the freshest ingredients, using what is in season, and shopping at the local farmers’ market is typical.  On one of my early morning walks, a lady from our tiny village slowed her car down and asked me if I would like a ride. I could tell she was on her way to buy her groceries down the hill, in town.  That would definitely not happen in LA!  I smiled, thanked her profusely, and declined.  If I had been traveling on my own I would have gone.  We had a schedule to keep.

Beauty was everywhere.  The bright green herbs and vibrant flowers were carefully tended, on a daily basis.  I loved the attention to detail, and the appreciation of nature.  The stone walls made such sweet backdrops.

The above video was taken in Gubbio.  We rode a little red train throughout the magnificent stone city.  It was enchanting.  It’s a place I would love to return to and stay for a few nights.  I spotted the perfect hotel, old and majestic.   In our case, our driver drove us home in an hour and a half, and we enjoyed another sumptuous meal back at the resort.  

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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Cooking School in Italy


One of my favorite experiences while in Umbria was going to cooking school.  Contessa Amelia instructed our group.   She is such a dynamic teacher.  I love her beauty, talent, energy and discipline.  The kitchen is phenomenal, and her assistants were excellent.  Italians seem to value excellence, from what I observed.

Here we are peeling carrots for the vegetarian lasagna.  We made a huge meal, and then all ate it together later that evening, out on the patio.  It was exceptional.  

This was taken on our field trip to Perugia.  The sculpture was fabulous.  We saw a wedding at the church, and the bride had on the most exquisite dress.  They were running out after the ceremony.  She had married a handsome, much older man...

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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Culture Shock

 Although I absolutely loved the week that I spent in Italy, I have to admit I did struggle with culture shock.  I normally get up at 5:00 a.m. and make coffee.  Where we stayed, breakfast was not served until 8:00 a.m.  I got into the habit of taking an early morning walk, and then relaxing in the sleek bathtub to kill time.

The trip made me acutely aware that I am one of those Americans who eats all day long…I am a grazer.  In Italy, they eat three meals a day.  They don’t snack.   I normally have a second meal at 10:00 a.m. Even as a child in school, I would wolf down a sandwich at my locker during recess.  My mom packed me two  in my lunchbox for that reason.  She understood that I got hungry mid morning, and that was her idea to tide me over until our school’s lunchtime.  I still eat that way.  I prefer to have very little food in my stomach when I sleep.  I also practice yoga before bed.

Lunch at our resort was 1:00 p.m.  I trained myself to eat a heavier breakfast, since my body is not used to having several hours between meals.  I never quite adapted, I just felt like I was overeating.  The food was exceptional, though.

Dinners were looked forward to and revered.   I dressed carefully and put on smoky eye make-up.  An Italian supper felt like three meals to me.   I enjoyed sitting with our group and devoured the delicious pasta, main courses, local wine, and light and tasty desserts. It was a huge adjustment though, since I normally eat three salads a day, several pieces of fruit, and have dinner at 4:00 p.m.  I did my best to go with the flow, and made sure to enjoy and taste everything.  

I felt full for a week upon returning to LA.  I guess the long international flights, extensive layovers, and stress took their toll on my body.  I was sick and weak for several days, though I am normally very healthy.  But, it was all worth it, and I learned that am not as young and invincible as I used to be.  Traveling that far by plane is really not a very natural thing.  I would like to take a transatlantic cruise next year.

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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Travel Teaches You About Your Habits


I arrived with my suitcases in Umbria at about 10:30 p.m.  Although the kitchen at our resort was closed, one of the waiters was still there, and he prepared a beautiful tray of sliced bread, salami, and cheese for me. He brought it upstairs to my room.  I wolfed it down appreciatively.  He was so sensitive and kind, and he looked me right in the eye.  Waiters in Europe are such dedicated professionals.  They really take pride in their work.  My father commented on it when he and my mother visited me in Vienna.

My bed was incredibly comfortable, and I slept thoroughly and soundly.  I kept the windows open, and the crisp mountain air felt fresh and soothing. 

I swam in the pool nearly every day.  The atmosphere was serene and nurturing.  As with everything there, it was kept in immaculate condition.  The garden amplified its beauty.

The tables below are where our delightful meals were served.  I never tired of the spectacular scenery.  What a lovely place!

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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

More Photos of Italia:Where We Stayed

 This is the front door to our home for the week.  The grounds were impeccable.  All of the staff cares deeply for this former hunting lodge.  They are very dedicated and conscientious people.

This is the library, where I would often sit in that flowered chair and recharge my mini iPad.  It was so relaxing.  There is nothing like staying in a real Italian home.

Just to the left of those geraniums is where we savored our marvelous meals.  Each one was enjoyed al fresco, except for the final evening, when it rained.  The flowers were carefully watered with a watering can by the groundskeeper each morning.

While the others were sleeping  I would take a walk through the village.  It was so green and unspoiled.  It felt like we were living life in another time.

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Monday, July 1, 2024

In Love With Umbria, Italy

 It sounds like many of you share my passion for Italy.  I took many photos…the settings were breathtaking.  This was across from the restaurant where we had dinner on our second evening.  

I loved the decor at our villa.  The antiques, orchids, charging station, and candy dish were such attentive touches.

The stone walls of the restaurant made it feel so authentic and charming. The couple in front organized our tour.  

We were surrounded by the Tuscan countryside.  The greenery of the vineyards, olive trees, and gardens made it feel like a storybook setting.  The mountain air felt crisp and healthy.  I noticed it as soon as we arrived.

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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Home From Italy!

 Hello Everyone!  I am sorry that I haven’t posted in so long…I was in Umbria, Italy, for a delightful week.  I spent the last week recovering from Covid.  I guess I got it on the long plane trip and lengthy layovers returning home.  All is well now.  The food, scenery, people and sights were out of this world!  

I was with a group of nine people.  We stayed together in an incredible villa out in the country.  The tiny village was surrounded by olive trees, vineyards, and lovely Italian gardens.  It felt like we were in a foreign film.  

I was able to take long walks in the mornings, before it got too hot.   This restaurant was just a five minute jaunt from our bed and breakfast.  They served us delightful lunches and dinners, as well.  The food was perfect and incredibly colorful and fresh. 

What an inspiring time and place!  How have you been?  I plan to catch up on all your blogs this week.  I hope you are enjoying your summer and look forward to hearing from you.

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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Learning From Your Older Friends

 Since I was young, I have always enjoyed being around older people.  Many of my  friends  were decades older than me.  Now, a number of these people are experiencing falls, strokes, and health issues.  I listen to their challenges, observe their recoveries, and imagine what it is like to be in their shoes.    Sometimes what seems to me to be a solution is something they won’t consider.

We can learn from our parents as we watch how they age.  My mother stayed home with her dogs and enjoyed her house.  She was a very solitary father, on the other hand, had a wide social network.    He drove his friends to the bridge club every day, and regularly went out for drinks and meals with them.  He was very popular and well liked.  Both my parents were avid readers, and they enjoyed watching movies each night together.

The one area I really see that affects us as we age is self care.  Those who live a life of hard drinking, taking drugs, and engaging in high risk behavior often end up angry, and unpredictable socially.  They lash out at others for no apparent reason, become suspicious and paranoid,  and often die young. So much of it has to do with the personality.  Grandparents are often very aware of this; so are teachers.  

Whatever we do to our bodies over time accumulates.  Life takes a lot of self discipline and focus.  Daily habits become ingrained and solidify into our future.  The more in tune we are with our inner talents and life path, the better choices we can make in our relationships and career.  Not using our talents can cause extreme envy, rage and frustration.  Our gifts do not go away…our natural abilities are energy that needs to be used and expressed.  Otherwise we become tortured souls.

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Saturday, June 1, 2024

The importance of Wise Adults in Children’s Lives


Recently I have been realizing how important it is for children to be exposed to adults who set an example of integrity, honesty, maturity  and happiness.   Ideally, this will be modeled by the parents, but that is not always the case, especially in today’s society.

When I first moved to LA, I was trained by dance teachers who were worldly, disciplined, artistic, sensitive and caring.  This had such a powerful influence on me.  We watched foreign films, listened to classical music and admired the ice skaters on PBS.  We cooked and ate together, and had meaningful conversations.  I knew I could trust them and depend on them.  They were consistent and kind.

I worry with the extreme trends in home schooling, living in remote areas, and protecting kids from the dangers of society that they may be far from the support they need to realize their potential.  Some children that  I know seem desperate for connection, especially with adult women.  I was fortunate to have many sources of feminine wisdom growing up: my Aunt Mary, my dance teachers, schoolteachers, friends’ moms, and neighbors.

Who were the wise adults in your life as you matured into a young adult?

Our family read a lot of books, and that exposed me to other cultures, people’s feelings, and ideas.  It was inspiring, entertaining, and developed our imaginations and vocabulary.  

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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Made My First Stock Sale on Schwab


On Friday, I took out my required minimum distribution from my Stretch IRA account.  Charles Schwab has a 24 hour hotline, and they will walk you through any sales or purchases you want to make.  The operators are very helpful and knowledgeable.  I love not having to pay any fees.  They are often hidden when you use a broker. 

I contacted the woman who helped me set up my retirement account there.  It was very easy.  We used an online calculator to give us the numbers.  With her guidance, I set up the sale and transfer.  It’s important to remember that it takes time for the money to reach your bank or credit union.  

I expected the money to arrive in my account on Monday, but it was already sitting in the account by Saturday.  I was also able to have the taxes taken out, so I don’t get hit with an unexpected tax bill next year.

It takes discipline and attention to detail to get your taxes paid on time.  Having it all written on a calendar or in a datebook is helpful.  If your stocks have done well, you may have enough to pay for a nice trip!

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Friday, May 24, 2024

Recent Live Performances


Last Saturday I attended Westside Ballet’s Spring Gala in Santa Monica.  I met up with several old friends.   We all studied ballet together with Yvonne Mounsey and Rosemary Valaire.  The dancers onstage were phenomenal!  The crowd went wild.  It was thrilling.  There were numerous guest artists who made the evening absolutely magical.  Their performances were sponsored by several generous donors.

Cocktails and delicious snacks were served before the ballet.  The performance flew by, and then they presented  dinner and awards.  As you can see, we all were decked out in our best outfits.  The Broad Stage is a convenient commute for me.  The parking is easy,  close to the entrance, and free.

I greatly enjoyed Kenny James show and band on The Regatta.  Kenny was the Grand Champion for Star Search in the eighties.  He was on the show after Sam Harris won.    He really rocked the house with his Motown hits and sensational dancing.  He just emanates charisma!

Have you seen any live performances lately?

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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Making Friends on an Oceania Cruise


My recent coastal cruise from Los Angeles to Vancouver was the first time I was onboard on the Oceania line.  It will certainly will not be my last, I loved it! The are known for their fine cuisine, and I was thoroughly impressed.  There were only five hundred people on the Regatta, our gorgeous vessel.

I stopped by my favorite Alpaca store in Juneau, Alaska.  I splurged on a red alpaca cape, and a white alpaca hat.  I wear the grey cape and rust hat that I purchased there in 2022 every day up in the mountains of Wrightwood..  I love the quality and style of these pieces.  They remind me of Old Hollywood.  The women who work there are very sweet and helpful.  

Catherine and I met on day one, and we hit it off immediately.  We enjoyed sitting together with her mom at some of our meals, played ping pong on the deck, and had several long, intimate conversations.  There was definitely a soul connection.  We have kept in touch, and plan to travel together again someday. 

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