Sunday, March 19, 2017

Yoga Breathing For Pain Management

Yoga breathing is one of the most useful tools I have ever learned to block pain and to manage fear. Each evening, I start my yoga practice with inhaling for eight counts, holding for eight counts, and exhaling for eight counts. I repeat this cycle several times, usually for at least five minutes. It's very relaxing and it calms the mind. After setting myself up this way, I move into the next section of my practice.  

When at the dentist, I find that this breathing exercise is incredibly helpful to use during the novocaine shot. It enables me to relax and remain calm. Rather than focusing on pain, or the sensation of the needle, I shift my attention to counting the breaths. My dentist has told me that he wishes all of his patients knew how to breathe like I do. It makes his job easier.

When I had my hips replaced, the anesthesiologist asked me if I wanted a tranquilizer. I declined, and told him that I would do my yoga breathing to stay calm. It gave me a focus, and it worked. When I woke up after the surgery was completed, I was still counting to eight, as I did  the inhale, hold, and exhale. The nurse in recovery asked me to stop. She said that my intense breathing was throwing off their machines. I heard her tell the doctors that my vital signs were strong. I kind of chuckled to myself. Even though the operation had taken three hours, I was still breathing and counting in segments of eight as soon as I awoke. Dancers are that way...very intense with their discipline. The nurse in pre op had told me that I would need that breathing for the pain in the recovery room. She was right. It was so useful, and since I had practiced it every day for so many years, it had become a part of my routine. Once they wheeled me up into my room, I was given something in the iv that completely numbed the surgical area.

When we know we can control pain with our breathing, it gives us a sense of personal power and capability. We are less prone to panic or feel like victims. Breathing through pain is free, and it's easy to do. Not everyone understands it, but once you do, it can really bring relief and confidence in your own self healing abilities.    

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