Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Spending Time in Nature

Spending time in nature changes the way that we feel. When I first bought my vintage cottage, it had been empty for two years. It was surrounded by tall, flowering weeds and Bermuda grass. The front of the house  looked neglected and dilapidated. In my mind's eye, however, I saw potential. I wanted to transform it into a fairy tale cottage like the ones I had seen when visiting Carmel. They had made a vivid impression on me. What stood out to me about those little houses were the gorgeous front gardens. They were lush, healthy, and  individual works of art. People had all kinds of flowers in bloom. The feeling that you got as you walked by was so energizing and healing. They radiated pure beauty, and it took my breath away.

My first challenge here was to get rid of all of the devil grass, or Bermuda.  I researched a method called lasagna gardening, and used it to suffocate the weeds. I covered the yard with a layer of straw, followed by a layer of manure, and then a layer of wood chips. The soil improved as the sheet mulch broke down and fed the Earth. Instead of planting a lawn, I put in a cottage garden. I planted old fashioned flowers like hollyhocks, larkspur, geraniums, and lilies. I added some herbs, roses, window boxes, and hanging baskets. It really created a peaceful and healing atmosphere. I spend time every morning sitting out there with my dogs, a cup of coffee, and my knitting.  We watch the alpacas that live up on the hill across the street, and listen to the roosters crowing. I love the sound of the hens clucking excitedly as they lay their eggs. In June, I plant giant pumpkins, which give the garden a storybook feel. I have several old trees on my property, and they provide a lot of oxygen, greenery, and shade. They also help to keep the house cool.  

Anytime I am feeling off balance, negative, or not myself, I go outside and sit on the front porch. The air feels fresher out there. It's cool, soothing, and quiet. I can hear the birds in the trees singing, and the neighbor's goats down the street bleating. I am instantly connected to Mother Nature and her healing powers. Spending time in nature is free, and it's priceless. It helps to put us in sync with plants, animals, and our spiritual selves.


  1. I agree. We live right on the river and if it's been a rough day, I go sit by it and let it carry my troubles away. Oh and isn't Carmel just a lovely place?

  2. Hi Lady Locust, That's wonderful. Rivers are such special places. Yes, Carmel is magical!

  3. I'd love to see photos of your garden. Would you write a post when you have time?

    I bought my first home few months back and slowly creating a vegetable garden. There's a huge oak tree in the back yard and a small lake beyond the fence, so watching birds and squirrels while having my breakfast is daily ritual now. :)

    1. Hi Nil, Sure. I've been doing a lot of gardening lately. It's that time of year. Your new home sounds just beautiful. What a view! I love to eat meals and have coffee out on the front porch. The flowers and birds are so soothing...
