Monday, August 23, 2021

I Got Vaccinated!

 Last week I received my first dose of the Moderna vaccine.  I went to Vons and had it done there.  I was surprised at how painful it was, even though I used my yoga breathing to relax.   I had just been kayaking for several miles in Marina del Rey, so that may have had something to do with it.  The nurse told me to relax my arm even though it was relaxed.   The injection reminded me of a novocaine shot.  It was definitely worth it, though.  I appreciate that we have these vaccines available and that they are free of charge.

I have been watching the Youtube videos of parents in their thirties and forties dying of Covid.  It is just tragic.  So often both parents suffer with severe breathing problems  and then leave the planet together.  I am very worried about all of the orphans.  Covid is such a frightening way to die.

My arm was tender and swollen for a few days.  Last night I also had some intnse pain deep in my hip joint.  It caused me to limp and lose sleep, but all is well now.  I iced it last night and took a hot bath in epsom salts this morning. 

 I had some lower abdominal cramping the day after I receive my vaccine.  It felt like when you are on your period.  I normally never got cramps, thanks to yoga.  I have read cases of women menstruating after having after the vaccine, even though they have gone through menopause.  I also developed some small pink spots on my arm, but they have faded.  Phew!

If you have been vaccinated, did you have any side effects?  

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  1. I had no side effects to speak of (very slight) for the first vax, and about 24 hours after the 2d vax I was completely exhausted, slept a lot, felt slight chills for a day or two.

    1. Yes, I felt tired, too, Terra. I'm glad you were able to sleep a lot. I noticed that I woke up much later than normal for a couple of days after the injection.

  2. Glad to read that you got your first dose. I had a sore arm from the first dose and a low fever from the second, but, that was when my daughter broke her tooth and I was too busy taking her to the dentist, etc., to take any notice of my own fever. :)

    1. Thanks, Bless. Yes, the sore arm is common. Mine has healed. Hope your daughter's tooth is okay now.

  3. We have been dosed with AstroZenica and had no adverse side effects. Good on you for getting vaccinated!

    1. That's great, emw. It is helpful to hear how many people have been vaccinated with no problems.

  4. I'm relieved to hear that you decided to have the jab. I've noticed the infection and death rates are creeping back up here in the UK and it seems to be affecting younger people. It's such a scary time we are living in at the moment. I hope it all changes for the better sooner rather than later.

    1. The same thing is happening here, Cherie. It's so sad. The older people who have been vaccinated are doing much better than in the beginning of this virus. It really does seem to just look for an available host.

  5. I have had both my Pfizer vaccines, one in March and one in April. I also had mine at a local Vons and was very pleased with the entire operation. Very professional both times. The only reaction I had was a very sore arm for a few days. I think I was a bit more tired the day after the second shot, but I was still able to do my normal activities. I still wear my mask though.

    1. That's great, Anita. Like you, I still wear my mask, and will continue to do so. Vons is convenient.

  6. I'm glad you received the first dose, Stephenie.
    I'm fully vaccinated now, and still continue to wear a mask.

    1. Good for you, Nil. I will, too. Whatever it takes, for as long as it takes.

  7. That is good news! I hope your side effects have disappeared now. X

    1. Thanks, Jules. They seem to have. Had a couple of weird sneezes that sounded like bronchitis this morning, but that stopped. I had the same feeling with a cough that went deep into my chest when I had Covid in 2019, but it was very brief, thank goodness. Some people develop lung issues, which is scary. All is well now. Hope you are healthy, too.

  8. Stephenie, I forgot to mention the sciatic pain I felt about 3 weeks after the 2nd dose. I don't know if the two were related, but, my primary care physician thought it was my body's stress response to the vaccine. I am OK now, but, it took a long time for me to recover from the sciatic pains.

    1. Oh, that's interesting, Bless. I remember reading about that on your blog. I bet it was. The vaccine is intense, but I am relieved to have it. Glad your sciatic pain subsided.

  9. I am so happy you got your first dose. I had a wee bit of arm soreness and I was just really tired the day of the shot, but all was well after that. I am 57 so the older you are the less side effects you get. My sons both were sick for about 36 hours after their shot, but thankfully they got one.

  10. I didn't know that about the side effects, Mereknits. Mine were pretty mild, and I am close in age to you. Some people have told me their reactions were stronger after the second shot. Everyone is so different. For my one friend, it was like having Covid all over again, but she recovered. All's well that ends well.

  11. I did not experience any reaction and have had both doses (Moderna). We expected I would be the one in the family to have some kind of reaction as I'm so sensitive. And I carry an epiPen, so we were worried about allergies. But I sailed thru. Didn't even have a sore arm. My husband had a sore arm with the first dose but it was just one day. The second dose he thinks the pharmacist may have struck a nerve as he gets a pain down his arm if he moves it in one way. He has a doctor's appointment this week to check it out. Most of kids just had a sore arm but one felt like she had the flu for the day after the 2nd dose. X Chy

    1. That's wonderful, Chy. I hope your husband's arm is better now. Minw is fine. It's a relief to get the vaccine done. I am looking forward to getting the second one.

  12. I received the Moderna vaccine in April. I was a little tired and my arm was sore for about two days after the first dose. I felt much different after my second dose - six hours after receiving that second dose I began to feel nauseated, extremely tired and chilled non stop for the following eighteen hours - I just couldn't get warm no mater how many blankets I wrapped myself in. After those side effects began to subside I developed a large, itchy rash on the arm I received the vaccine in which lasted for five days and my lymph node in my neck became swollen and very hot for about two days. I'd say my side effects were rather intense.

    1. That's interesting and informative, Julia. I've heard that many people have a worse reaction to the second vaccine. I will plan accordingly. It seems to hit people in different areas. Thanks for reading and for commenting.
