Thursday, September 30, 2021

Teladoc: A Safe Way To See the Doctor

 The other day I noticed that my hacking cough had never cleared up, in fact it had gotten worse.  I decided to book an appointment through Teladoc.  You can schedule either a video call or a phone consultation.  That appealed to me because of Covid.  Even though I am fully vaccinated, I still avoid crowds and people.  

I phoned the number that Blue Shield listed, and was informed that the cost would be zero, which was a pleasant surprise.   There was a phone recording announcing that the wait times were longer than normal.  I expected to hear back within a couple of hours.  In just five minutes, the phone rang!  The friendly doctor was on the line.  I was so excited.   "How convenient, and private, and amazing,"  I thought to myself.    There is so much about technology that I love.  I also own a couple of ETF's that have Teladoc listed.  I do think this type of communication is the way of the future. 

I gave the doctor  my symptoms, (which I had written down.)  Since the fires, I have been experiencing a runny nose, an overproduction of mucous and coughing, and was even wheezing earlier in the year.  I explained that the folk remedies weren't working.  I had tried reducing dairy, making ginger tea with honey, drinking homegrown oregano tea, and eating raw onions, which are an expectorant.  

He replied that the air quality from these  fires can really do damage to our airways and lungs.  There are so many particles blowing in the wind.   I told him I feel it in my chest when I sneeze.  I've been sneezing a lot, like my mother used to do.  I found it so annoying when she did that as a kid, and now I sound just like her.  

"Bronchitis," he diagnosed.  That made perfect sense.  He called in a prescription over the phone, and I was able to pick it up at CVS in an hour.  The drug store is a five minute  drive from my home.  I bought some other essentials for my stockpile,  and drove back to the house.

After taking the antibiotic and using the inhaler, the coughing stopped.   I slept soundly.  It was such a relief to take care of the problem and to stop procrastinating.  I normally don't use medicine, but when I do, it seems to work like a miracle for me.  Have you tried Teladoc?

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  1. Once I had a telemedicine appointment last year during the first lockdown.

    But my doctor's office doesn't do telemedicine appointments anymore.

    I'm glad you are feeling all well now. Take care Stephenie.

    1. Thanks, Nil. This one was with a doctor that my insurance provided. I did one last year, too, when I broke my toe. For that I had to go to the ER, anyway, though.

  2. That teledoc appointment worked great for you; I have not tried it yet, but may one day. You got the right treatments from your doc.

    1. Yes, it really did, Terra. It was so convenient to be diagnosed from home. I think it's a great service.

  3. Glad to hear that the Teledoc service worked well for you and was free with your insurance. Glad you were able to have that bronchitis diagnosed and the medicines seem to be working. Good thing you had it checked before it became worse and turned into pneumonia! Take care of yourself and feel better, soon.

    1. Thanks, Bless. I am so impressed with Teladoc. I left a five star review for the doctor online.

  4. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better and your symptoms are clearing up. Since the start of Covid pretty much all appointments with doctors here are over the phone. And those appointments are like gold dust as they are almost impossible to book. I thank my lucky stars that I don't need the care of a doctor at the moment but am well aware how quickly health problems can escalate if they aren't taken care of.

    1. That's too bad that there is such a shortage of appointments there, Cherie. Both times I have used Teledoc I have received a call almost immediately. I was so impressed. I guess it's very popular here.

  5. That sounds really good and I'm glad you are now feeling so much better. Bronchitis is not nice at all. xx

    1. Hi Joy, I didn't realize it was bronchitis at first, but after he gave the diagnosis, I remembered that I had been feeling the sneezes in my chest, which was weird. I could feel that I needed to take action. He was excellent, and I loved that I didn't have to go into a crowded waiting room during this pandemic.

  6. I have not needed to use Teledoc type services, but Steve saw his GP twice via a video link in the past 2 years. Bronchitis is a serious problem and I am happy to see you were able to get proper treatment. Hopefully this smoky air will clear up soon.

    1. Hi Anita, It's amazing how much we can do from home. I love the service and am so glad that I bought some stock in it. It was really stress free. Glad to hear that Steve took advantage of the video option. I didn't realize it was bronchitis...the medications have really stopped the irritation and coughing.

  7. I am glad you are feeling much better. Our family doctor does mostly phone appointments at the moment. I had one for an ear infection a couple of weeks ago and after a brief chat, I had to go to the surgery to have it seen and to have a swab taken. I rather like phone appointments.

    1. So do I, Christina. I think I prefer them. It's so nice to not have to be around sick people who might be contagious. I hope your ear infection has cleared up...

  8. That is a fast and efficient service. I'm glad you are feeling much better now. X

    1. It really is, Jules. I was so impressed. Thank you.

  9. Fantastic that this got sorted so quickly. Bronchitis is exhausting and debilitating. xxxxxx

    1. It's weird, ratnamurti. My energy was pretty good, but I just didn't understand the constant production of mucous. Such a difference now...

  10. I have not used Teledoc but it sounds very convenient. A friend suggested a doctor in California to me ( who is holistic) who treats on Zoom. I wasn't sure about it since I feel like I at least want the doc to be nearby. When my husband sneezes he usually does anywhere from 12-17 sneezes. We always count and it is annoying. Glad you are feeling better. Stay well.

    1. Thanks, judee. Zoom seems to be the wave of the future. I wonder what causes the series of sneezes? My mom used to do it every night at the same time.
