Sunday, June 30, 2024

Home From Italy!

 Hello Everyone!  I am sorry that I haven’t posted in so long…I was in Umbria, Italy, for a delightful week.  I spent the last week recovering from Covid.  I guess I got it on the long plane trip and lengthy layovers returning home.  All is well now.  The food, scenery, people and sights were out of this world!  

I was with a group of nine people.  We stayed together in an incredible villa out in the country.  The tiny village was surrounded by olive trees, vineyards, and lovely Italian gardens.  It felt like we were in a foreign film.  

I was able to take long walks in the mornings, before it got too hot.   This restaurant was just a five minute jaunt from our bed and breakfast.  They served us delightful lunches and dinners, as well.  The food was perfect and incredibly colorful and fresh. 

What an inspiring time and place!  How have you been?  I plan to catch up on all your blogs this week.  I hope you are enjoying your summer and look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your comments They add so much talent and energy to the blog.  Please reply in English.  I’m sorry, but those with links will not be published.  If you enjoy the posts here, please share them.  Comments may take a few days to appear; they are moderated.


  1. Oh how beautiful! (Glad you recovered and are well.) I hear the food in Italy is so good, and your photos show it. andrea

    1. Thanks, Andrea. Yes, the food is outstanding. I am so inspired to cook like the Italians do at home. They are such fine culinary artists.

  2. Welcome back. Glad you had a wonderful time and have recovered from Covid.

    1. Thank you, Bless.
      Yes. it was an incredible trip. Such a relief to be over Covid...ugh!

  3. Bella Italia! Covid is definitely not bella. I'm glad you are feeling better.

    1. Oh, thank you, Tracy. It hit my first night home. At least I was able to enjoy the entire week there.

  4. It sounds like a wonderful trip. I am glad to hear you are fully recovered from Covid.

    1. Thanks, Nil. It's still with us. Ginger, garlic and lemon tea helped to move it along for me. Planes have a lot of germs, and it was a very long flight home.

  5. What a lovely place. It amazes me how such simple ingredients can be blended together to make wonderful, tasty meals. Looking forward to more pictures and stories about your trip. Evil COVID.

  6. Hi Anita, Yes, their delicious cooking is based on freshness, what is in season, local ingredients from the winery and cooking school, and talent. They put so much pride and time into meal preparation and presentation.

  7. It looks absolutely stunning. Stephenie. I would love to travel there one day. X

  8. It was, Jules. I took so many photos. I hope you can go there...I think you would love it!
