Saturday, June 1, 2024

The importance of Wise Adults in Children’s Lives


Recently I have been realizing how important it is for children to be exposed to adults who set an example of integrity, honesty, maturity  and happiness.   Ideally, this will be modeled by the parents, but that is not always the case, especially in today’s society.

When I first moved to LA, I was trained by dance teachers who were worldly, disciplined, artistic, sensitive and caring.  This had such a powerful influence on me.  We watched foreign films, listened to classical music and admired the ice skaters on PBS.  We cooked and ate together, and had meaningful conversations.  I knew I could trust them and depend on them.  They were consistent and kind.

I worry with the extreme trends in home schooling, living in remote areas, and protecting kids from the dangers of society that they may be far from the support they need to realize their potential.  Some children that  I know seem desperate for connection, especially with adult women.  I was fortunate to have many sources of feminine wisdom growing up: my Aunt Mary, my dance teachers, schoolteachers, friends’ moms, and neighbors.

Who were the wise adults in your life as you matured into a young adult?

Our family read a lot of books, and that exposed me to other cultures, people’s feelings, and ideas.  It was inspiring, entertaining, and developed our imaginations and vocabulary.  

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  1. My Mum and my Dad, for sure. They were both just the sort of people to lead and guide rightly. xx

    1. That's wonderful, Joy. The best examples, right at home.

  2. That quote about it taking a village to raise a child comes into mind. The wise adults in my life when I was a child included family, teachers, neighbors, and friends of the family. Recently, I was very touched to find out from my daughter that, one of her friends had told her that I had been like a second mother to her. I had no idea!

    1. That's so sweet, Bless. It really makes a difference in children's lives to have adults who model excellence.

  3. I totally agree with you about the home schooling. It worries me that those children only see their parents' perspective on things and grow up isolated and indoctrinated.
    I'm sure everyone I encountered growing up influenced me in some way, parents, grandparents, the parents of my school friends and a lot of my teachers. xxx

    1. Yes, I have been watching some of the documentaries on children who have been raised that way, Vix. How can they learn anything different when that's all they know? Exposure makes all the difference.

  4. Apart from my parents, I was surrounded by a loving, caring, extended family and I also had some teachers who were excellent role models. I played in a brass band during my teenage years. I made friends with girls of my own age, but there was a shortage of older females. The men were upright, patient and kind - good examples of masculinity at its best.

    1. That's great, Tracy. My friends in high school were also in the band. One girl played the flute, the other, the violin. They were so sweet and reliable.

  5. I agree. Children do need to know how to interact with people of all ages.

    1. It's something I took for granted growing up, Ratnamurti. The world is so different now. Exposure is an amazing thing.

  6. Perhaps the homeschool parents don't want their kids "indoctrinated" by those in the school system. There must be a happy medium.

    1. Yes, I can understand why. Schools have changed dramatically since I attended.
