Sunday, May 26, 2024

Made My First Stock Sale on Schwab


On Friday, I took out my required minimum distribution from my Stretch IRA account.  Charles Schwab has a 24 hour hotline, and they will walk you through any sales or purchases you want to make.  The operators are very helpful and knowledgeable.  I love not having to pay any fees.  They are often hidden when you use a broker. 

I contacted the woman who helped me set up my retirement account there.  It was very easy.  We used an online calculator to give us the numbers.  With her guidance, I set up the sale and transfer.  It’s important to remember that it takes time for the money to reach your bank or credit union.  

I expected the money to arrive in my account on Monday, but it was already sitting in the account by Saturday.  I was also able to have the taxes taken out, so I don’t get hit with an unexpected tax bill next year.

It takes discipline and attention to detail to get your taxes paid on time.  Having it all written on a calendar or in a datebook is helpful.  If your stocks have done well, you may have enough to pay for a nice trip!

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  1. That first photo intrigues me, what building is that on the small island?

    1. I'm not sure, Terra. We cruised by it in Alaska. It could be a lighthouse.

  2. Well done - although it sounds a bit complicated. xx

    1. Thanks, Joy. It's basically just making transfers. I liked having an adviser walk me through it the first time, though.

  3. Sounds like you did well with your first stock sale! Well done!

  4. How comforting to have a real live person take you through the process. Moving money is always stressful to me even if I know exactly what I am doing. Where were the beach pictures taken?

    1. I agree, Anita. The photos of the beach were taken near Astoria, Oregon. I took a tour there of Seaside and another small town. It was so pretty.

  5. You handle you money so brilliantly, Stephenie. I think that keeping on top of this area of life is so important

  6. Thanks, Ratnamurti. I think so, too. There is so much to learn and understand with money and retirement. I am always reading articles and studying the market. It has opened up a whole new world to me.
