Thursday, November 9, 2023

Enjoying Fall

 These gorgeous red apples were spotted on my walk to town last week.  There are apple trees everywhere in Wrightwood!  I love seeing all of the different varieties.  Some of the trees look decades old.  The branches are pruned, but the trunks look ancient and gnarly.

I have not noticed as much bear activity this year.  I think because of all the snow and rain we received, they have had more water.  Last Halloween I had one outside of my cabin at 7:30 p.m.  I think he or she smelled the candy from the trick or treaters.

There are several different types of berries out in nature.  I am hoping that my raspberry and blackberry plants do well.   It takes time for them to get deeply rooted and produce.  The Pink Lady apple tree that I planted is growing and looks happy.  I removed some baby pine trees to give it more sun.

The weather has been gorgeous down at the cottage.  I went for a lovely bike ride in Marina del Rey the other day.  I followed this section near Fisherman's Village, then turned south on the beach bike path and enjoyed seeing the wide expanse of ocean. It feels never ending.  The sound of the waves crashing always thrills me.  This is why I moved to Los Angeles.  (Well, also to pursue show business.)  It all worked out beautifully, and I am still so happy to live here.

Do you like where you live?

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  1. Pleased to read you are enjoying Fall, the weather looks lovely.
    Here in the UK we've had quite a few rainy days.

    All the best Jan

    1. All that rain makes it so green and lush, Jan. I love the UK.

  2. Walks in the woods are gorgeous this time of year. The critters are so busy getting ready for winter. There are busy happy noises. Glad you are enjoying autumn 🍂
    Lady Locust

    1. Thanks, LL. That's true. They are stockpiling their acorns in our Jeffrey pines. The woodpeckers drill holes for storage.

  3. Sounds like you are really enjoying fall, Stephenie. How lovely to see apple trees on your way to town!

    1. Yes, Bless, I am. The apple trees are loaded with fruit. It is an amazing sight.

  4. I love where I live. 15 minutes to the coast and 5 to the countryside. Shops, dentist and library close enough to walk to. Good friends live close by too. Perfect retirement area though the house is a bit too big for two people.

    1. That sounds like the ideal location, Cherie. I guess it's better to have too much space at home than not enough for two.

  5. This autumn's weather has been fantastic here in Southern California. Very chilly nights and nice warm sunny days down this way. Those apples look delicious. I have high hopes for my raspberries and blueberries coming back next spring.

    1. I agree, Anita. It's so pretty this time of year. We are sitting by the fire right now. Once the sun comes out, we can take another hike. I hope your berries do well next year.

  6. Autumn looks beautiful in Wrightwood, Stephenie. I do love where I live. And I'm relieved I don't have to worry about bears! :)

    1. It is, Jules. I haven't seen much bear activity up here this year. I like to watch them on the videotape.

  7. Very beautiful photographs. Is so lovely to live and to walk near these arbored áreas. I like so much the woods. To walk in this beautiful places gives happiness to the soul.

  8. Yes, it does, J.S. Such a pretty time of year...
