Thursday, November 23, 2023

Preventing Fraud


Happy Thanksgiving to all of your who celebrate it.  I just made this persimmon cake.  It's very moist and flavorful.  I gave some to my neighbor who loves persimmons.  My one tree gave us a huge harvest this year.  It had hundreds of Hachiyas.  I still have more fruit at the top of the tree to pick.  It's difficult to reach, so I will buy a fruit picker with a basket on the end.  It's so rewarding to plant a baby tree and have it continue to produce and feed you decades later...

As a senior, I have been shocked at how much fraud is occurring in our society, much of it by phone.  You have to be extra diligent these days.  It's wise not to answer calls from numbers you don't recognize.  If they hang up and keep calling you, that's a red flag.  

The other day a woman called here, claiming to work for a well-known health insurance company.  She told me they were updating their records, and asked for my birthdate.  "I don't give out that information over the phone," I answered, matter of factly.   She quickly thanked me and said raced off the phone, nervously.  

Whether it's protecting your cash, investments, land, home or possessions, our intuition is an excellent predicter.  I utilize my cameras, listen to the dogs, (and check why they are barking,) and I don't carry a phone that has my information stored on it.  A simple senior flip phone is fine with me.  The alarm is on 24 hours a day.  I have some excellent neighbors who keep a close eye on my place and I do the same for them.  We call each other if we see anything suspicious and take video.  

Have you experienced any fraud?  Did you catch it in time?

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  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Stephenie. That persimmon cake looks delicious!
    I no longer answer the phone if I don't recognize the number! I figure they'll leave a message if it is important. :)

    1. That's smart, Bless. I agree. The fraudsters don't leave messages, in my experience.

  2. Yes, we receive many phone calls which are labeled as potential spam. I just hang up on them. We tend to watch out for each other in our neighborhood. And we keep things really simple and private. I keep no information on my phone, refuse to have payment services, no social media accounts, only use 2 credit cards, one credit union, and one investment group. We also froze our credit about 10 years ago.

    1. That sounds very organized and clear, Anita. My credit reports are frozen, too.

  3. A few years ago I picked up the phone and there was a recorded message to say that there was fraud on my credit card account. I suspected it was a scam and slammed the phone down before the message ended, then rang my husband to clear the line before ringing the credit card company on the number shown on my card. It wasn't a scam. My card had been cloned and someone had bought a £1,000 computer on it, then had gone back to the same shop the next day to try to buy another one! The company were very understanding and sent me a new card and a form to fill in before cancelling the debt. It was a scarey experience.

  4. Hi Tracy, I'm glad you were able to get it sorted out; they always seem to come back and repeat the behavior. I've had to close down a couple of cards, too.

  5. Yes, I have. I business that I co-owned, I looked at the book where income was recorded (it was kept hidden from me) and could see that there was massive fraud happening from my business partner and his girlfriend. I left the company asap. Got out of it on every legal and tax level. The tax people walked into the business a few years later and wow! they were in such big trouble. I also found out that they had embezzled me out of my share of the house that we 3 had bought together - I got my share out of it, legally, asap. It was such a nightmare.

  6. I'm glad they were caught, Ratnamurti. You have to really check and double check the numbers on everything. Thank goodness you discovered it.
