Sunday, August 18, 2024

Almost Done Knitting a Sweater I Started in 2018


I finally took this sweater out of my knitting bag, laid it out,  reread the pattern, untangled  the yarn, and began to finish it.  I had originally extended the length, then realized that I wouldn’t have enough yarn to finish the shoulders and neck. So, I frogged it back and balled that yarn to finish the project.  Too bad I procrastinated for so many years, but the yarn and needles were patiently waiting.   The wool is Cascade Heritage.  A lady in my old knitting group gave it to me.  She said that she wasn’t going to use it.  She had it in a storage bin for decades.  We are still in touch, and have a phone date set for tomorrow.

The pattern of this sweater is called Carbeth.  It’s the third one I have made.  I love the design, it knits up quickly, and it’s a sweater I wear nearly every day in the winter.  I have made it with three different types of yarn, so they all look and feel different,

My Nicole Shawl is coming along, but my count is off by two stitches.  I made an appointment with my knitting teacher to see what I am doing wrong on one of the lace rows.  It will be a relief to clean up the stitch count and get back on track.  It is exciting and inspiring to be knitting clothes  again.  

Are you getting ready for winter?  

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  1. Your sweater looks lovely - nice color and the yarn looks very soft and warm. The shawl will look lovely, too, once you've figured out what is wrong - probably a missing yarn over or one too many knit 2 togethers. I haven't started any preparations for winter, yet. I think I could do with another pair or two of socks.

    1. You were right Bless, it was a missing YO on each end. Awakened Soul.

  2. I looked up the Carbeth sweater pattern and have added it to my Ravelry favourites. It looks cosy and comfortable. I hope you found the two missing / extra stitches!

    1. Thanks, Christina. I think you will enjoy the Carbeth pattern, if you decide to do it.

  3. That looks gorgeous, so warm and snuggly. Just this morning it was announced that electricity prices in the UK will be rising by about 9 percent in October, making it a costly winter for everyone, so I think I will have to look into signing up to a yearly deal asap.

    1. Hi Tracy, I hope you can find a deal. We wear a lot of layers in the mountains to keep warm. AwakenedSoul.

  4. Fingers crossed that you will figure out the lace problem. It is wonderful that you have a resource to help you. I love the sweater.

    1. Thanks, Anita. The problem is solved. I am so lucky to have a master knitter as my teacher! Hope your knitting is going well. AwakenedSoul.

  5. The sweater looks like it will be good and cosy. It will keep you nice and warm this winter. Xx

    1. Yes, it will, Jules. Thank you. Hope all is well with you. AwakenedSoul

  6. That's such an interesting design. You are very patient to be able to do all of that.

    1. Thanks, RS. There were some tears of frustration with this pattern and my miscounts. It is going very well now, though. I am determined to finish it. I love the design. Hope your yoga is going well. AwakenedSoul
