Saturday, August 3, 2024

Growing Roses in the Forest


Last week I spent several hours digging into my rocky mountain  soil and planting shrub roses.  The effect is gorgeous.  I love the mixture of roses, pine trees, oaks, and berries.  The height of the trees makes it so theatrical.

The Hollyhock seeds that I sprinkled in this sunny. corner have sprouted.  Next year they should be tall and colorful.  I love the tall, cheerful, old fashioned flowers.

This is the first season I have had fresh blackberries.  They are sweet, juicy and delicious!  I need to move the other berry bushes into full sun.  

How is your garden doing?  What are you growing?

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  1. Your roses and other plants look good! I love hollyhocks.

  2. Your roses are quite the contrast to those tall trees. Xx

    1. Ye, Jules. I love the contrast. The mountains behind the trees add another element. The herb garden is doing really well, too.

  3. It looks wonderful and should be stunning as everything matures. Fresh picked blackberries are just so good, I think.

    I keep plodding away at my garden. It's such a different vibe from your lovely woodland garden but we both love our spaces, don't we? xx

    1. Hi Joy, Yes, we do. The blackberries will make nice jam to have with scones, too. Gardening is so satisfying.

  4. I adore hollyhocks and my own home grown ones are just showing buds. I've no idea what colour they are but they're a welcome addition to the garden

  5. Working in the gardens took a bit of a back seat this spring and early summer due to all the work we did on the house-new roof, new windows, painting the trim. All those ladders, scaffolding and workmen about. I did harvest quite a few blueberries this year, we ate lots of lettuces, carrots, beets, radishes, but the lavender harvest was smaller than normal. You have such a green thumb.
