Thursday, July 25, 2024

Taking What You Learned on a European Vacation Home


Although we didn’t actually eat any pizza on my last trip to Italy, I did feel inspired to copy one of my favorite breads from a lovely restaurant around the corner from our bed and breakfast.  I dug up my favorite pizza recipe, refridgerated the dough overnight, and did my best to duplicate the olive oil and fresh rosemary bread.  It came out really well.  The chef in Umbria sprinkled coarse salt over the top, which added wonderful flavor and texture.  I’m pretty sure it was Mediterranean Sea salt. Ah!  

This was taken the night we ate dinner outside at the cooking school.  The woman next to me and I had just purchased new sun dresses at the local Farmers’ Market.  They were so reasonably priced!  They make such a nice souvenir.  I paired mine with one of my hand knitted shawls.  Our carefully prepared meal was absolutely divine!  I will never forget it.  We each received copies of the recipes.

These are some of the healthy and luscious grapes that were ripening on the vine at the winery.  Some of the ladies I traveled with ordered half a case of their favorite wine and had it sent home.  I walked through this area each morning, before breakfast.

These are some of the sweet children dressed up in their period costumes from the Medieval Festival that we attended.  They served us several courses of food and wine!  It was a fantastic evening, with hardly any tourists.

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Joy. It was. We got to do so many interesting things. It's a beautiful place.

  2. You had such a lovely vacation, Stephenie.

  3. It all looks so nice. I bet you really enjoyed that flat bread.

    1. Thanks. Anita. Yes, the olive oil on that bread made it taste divine. It's great for sopping up sauces, too.

  4. You and your fellow traveller looked glorious in your Italian dresses. How beautiful are those children? xxx

    1. Thank you, Vix. We were so excited to wear them. I thought the same thig about those children. They were so sweet, too.
