Sunday, July 21, 2024

Italian Charm


Cooking is a central activity in Italy.  Buying or growing the freshest ingredients, using what is in season, and shopping at the local farmers’ market is typical.  On one of my early morning walks, a lady from our tiny village slowed her car down and asked me if I would like a ride. I could tell she was on her way to buy her groceries down the hill, in town.  That would definitely not happen in LA!  I smiled, thanked her profusely, and declined.  If I had been traveling on my own I would have gone.  We had a schedule to keep.

Beauty was everywhere.  The bright green herbs and vibrant flowers were carefully tended, on a daily basis.  I loved the attention to detail, and the appreciation of nature.  The stone walls made such sweet backdrops.

The above video was taken in Gubbio.  We rode a little red train throughout the magnificent stone city.  It was enchanting.  It’s a place I would love to return to and stay for a few nights.  I spotted the perfect hotel, old and majestic.   In our case, our driver drove us home in an hour and a half, and we enjoyed another sumptuous meal back at the resort.  

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  1. It sounds wonderful. Do you think that you might go back there one day? Xx

    1. Oh yes, Jules! I love Italy. There is so much more that I want to see and do.

  2. What a wonderful time you have had. xx

  3. It all looks and sounds gorgeous. No wonder you would like to go back again! Is Italy somewhere you have visited before or was this the first time?

    1. Yes, Tracy. I danced in the show "42nd Street" in Rome when I was in my late twenties. I have also been there a couple of times on cruises. This was my fourth visit. Now I go by plane and stay and eat at local places. Have you been to Italy?

    2. No, just Germany, Belgium and Holland, but it is somewhere I would like to visit.

    3. I think you would love it there. I worked in Germany and Holland, and will see Brussels in the near future.

  4. We Europeans are a friendly lot (I still consider myself European despite horrible Brexit) and it's not unusual in my part of the UK or Spain or Greece to be offered a lift with a stranger - we often do the same! Those stone walls are lovely, I love touching them and imagining the stonemason who created them hundreds of years ago. x


    1. Yes, she was so sweet, Vix. I met another older lady on my morning walks who had a cute little white dog. She would come outside on her porch to chat with me. She had a huge smile...we couldn't really communicate, but I admired her garden.

  5. I enjoyed seeing the video. Thank you for sharing your holiday in Italy with us. :)

    1. Thanks for reading and for watching the video., Bless. Italy is magical.

  6. It all looks so lovely. That is one beautiful table you are all around for dinner. I have been to Italy many times, both for work and for fun, and loved each city.

    1. Me, too, Anita. They really bent over backwards to for us. Everything was done so impeccably. It is an amazing home.

  7. I really enjoyed reading about your trip to Italy.
