Thursday, August 29, 2024

Knitting Challenges

 I am sorry I haven’t posted in a while.  I have been busy with home maintenance appointments, knitting, and working in my yard.  I have a lot of cutting back to do with the lilacs and periwinkle.  

I am making progress on The Nicole Shawl.  I had an enjoyable private lesson with my beloved knitting teacher last week.  She showed me where I had dropped two yarn overs, which had thrown off my stitch count.  It was at the very end of each panel.    I am getting the hang of it.  Lace is so rewarding; I love the texture.   It is an exciting project. I can’t wait to wear this shawl once it’s finished.

This hawk landed on my deck, made strong eye contact with me, and started chattering.  He is so beautiful.  How are you spending your end of summer days?

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  1. Your knitting looks lovely, and I'm glad you managed to get those stitches sorted.
    I'm currently enjoying these last days of summer, while finding some time to paint the kitchen. Xx

  2. Sounds like you've been quite busy! Glad you figured out the problem with the shawl. Wow! How awesome to have a hawk visit you and communicate with you!

  3. The shawl is coming along beautifully. I'm glad your knitting instructor was able to quickly see the issue and get you back on track. Yard work is always ongoing, even in our small, very orderly place. Great hawk picture.

  4. That's going to be gorgeous when it's finished. Perfect for the cooler days that are starting to appear.
