Sunday, August 11, 2024

Back To Knitting


I have picked up my knitting again, and am finding it really exciting.  It’s like having a piece of my soul returned back into my body.  Being creative and making your own clothes is very rewarding.  Each winter I appreciate my hand knits more; they really last, and they are so warm.

I worked on these socks while I was in Alaska.  I finally finished the final toe last week.  They are squishy and comfortable, and I am happy with the fit.

It is such a satisfying feeling to use yarns from my stash.  I have several balls of sock yarn carefully stored for the future.  Socks make such nice gifts. I am working on The Nicole Shawl right now, and it is very enjoyable.  How about you?  What are you making?

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  1. Oh, I love my knitting - I'd be lost without a project on the go. I love those socks!
    I have two things at the moment. One is a scarf and hat set using the yarn left over from a jumper I finished last week and the other is a bright red jumper for December/Christmas. It'll cheer everyone up! :-)

    1. Those sound wonderful, Joy. I love knitting, too. AwakenedSoul

  2. Your knitting is beautiful, Stephenie. And those socks look so cosy. I haven't picked up my needles in ages, but I would love to try sock knitting again, maybe when the weather turns. Xx

    1. Thanks, Jules. It looks like you keep very busy. Socks are fun, and so practical. AwakenedSoul

  3. They are beautiful and so useful. I am pretty useless at knitting and have never progressed beyond the scarf or fingerless gloves stage. I can embroider though and I am currently working on the largest piece I have ever attempted, a large panel of an Asian pheasant among peony flowers. It will be very impressive when finished (I am three quarters of the way there) but not much use for keeping out the winter winds!

    1. That embroidery sounds beautiful, Tracy. Art is priceless. It is so therapeutic to work with our hands.

  4. I love to knit. The rhythm of repeating a pattern relaxes me. I am working on an afghan which I will donate to a fundraising raffle. Maybe not the best project for hot summer afternoons.

  5. I haven’t done any knitting for ages and I used to knit every evening.
    Must try harder!Barbarax

    1. I know the feeling, Barbara. It has to be part of my daily routine. I hope you get back to knitting soon, if you miss it.

  6. I know the feeling, Stephenie. I resumed crocheting after several very busy months and immediately felt so much better. It's like meditation.

    1. It is, Nil. Crocheting is so rhythmic and relaxing. AwakenedSoul

  7. Your knitting is beautiful! I have been doing more crocheting than knitting, lately, but, I'll probably do more knitting when winter arrives.

    1. You seem to keep very busy in your garden and kitchen, Bless. It has been hot in LA.

  8. Such beautiful knitting. You're very talented. I am a serial failure with it. Sadly.

    1. I know the feeling, RS. Thank goodness I have such an excellent teacher for when I get stuck. That might help you, too. It takes daily practice.
