Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Cutting Back the Front Garden


My front garden has been springing to life as the weather is becoming warmer.  I have been busy pulling weeds, trimming branches, removing dead wood, and planting.  I dug this fragrant citrusy smelling yellow rose into the soil today.  The earth is wet, rich and black.  I found some healthy earthworms wriggling in the ground.  They help us so much, aerating and feeding the dirt with their waste.

The straw mulch really kept the weeds from sprouting, and it also has helped to hold in the moisture.  I am replenishing the mulch around the fruit trees.  They are filled with buds that are ready to burst!

I bought a Hibiscus and Lavender plant.  They are both in full sun.  I'm hoping to make tea with the Hibiscus flowers.  Mine are yellow.  This recent rain has made it so much easier for us to garden again in California.  Our neighborhood is on a list to receive a grant which will upgrade our water system.  If it goes through, we will have new pipes and our own meters.  What a relief!

Have you planted anything new this year?

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  1. The garden looks lovely.
    I have mowed my lawn twice this year already, but many of the plants will need replacing, having been lost to the extremely low temperatures this past winter. A job for this weekend, perhaps. Xx

    1. That's a good feeling to get the lawn mowed, Jules. I replaced mine with plants. Enjoy the weekend...

  2. Your yard looks so lush. We are big believers in mulch here. I had to replace 2 of my Grosso lavender plants this year. When I bought the original 9 plants I was told their lifespan was only about 10 years. They are 16 years old now. It will take quite a while for the 2 new ones to flower-they are only 3 inches high! I love the scent of roses.

    1. I didn't know that about lavender, Anita. My new lavender plant is small, too. It's very beautiful, though. I put it next to the grapefruit tree.

  3. Your garden looks lovely and I do hope the water scheme will go through - it will make such a difference. xx

  4. You have such a pretty garden, Stephenie. I bought two tomato plants and a Serrano chili plant. I lost another rose bush over winter, so I am debating whether to buy a new plant to replace it.

    1. I would, Bless. I lost one of my roses during the drought, too. The soil is so wet and rich now, thanks to the rain we received.

  5. Your roses and tulips look beautiful, I love the colours. It will be amazing to get a new water supply too.
    This year we have bought a small fig to grow in a pot on the patio against the sunny wall of the garage and a tiny magnolia tree. It will take a while to look impressive! Your garden looks so healthy.

    1. Thank you, PP. How wonderful to have a fig tree. I would like to plant one here, too. Will have to check the nursery.

  6. I have a huge Hibiscus plant. Mine are orange flowers. I had a second one but a few weeks back, it froze one morning and killed my plant. I'm still so sad about that, but I'll get another soon.

    Love your roses and tulips, they're gorgeous.

    1. Thanks, Sandra. How exciting to have such a large Hibiscus. It's sad to lose plants, but also fun to plant new ones.

    2. Your garden is really springing back to life. They are such a source of pleasure aren't they.

    3. Hi Cherie, Yes, they certainly are. Each year they look different. One can never predict what will happen with Mother Nature.

  7. Wonderful news about the grant for improving your water supply. The meters will be useful to understand water usage, and no doubt to keep the bills manageable. We pay for our water through tax but would love to have a meter. Your garden is looking neat and tidy, with beautiful pops of colour. I hope your hibiscus grows big quickly, such a gorgeous plant to have. It is unfortunately far too cold here in Scotland. Love a cup of hibiscus tea. This always reminds me of wonderful holidays.

    1. Hi Christina, I am very excited about having meters. Hibiscus tea is delicious and healing.
