Monday, April 24, 2023

The Daffodils are in Bloom


Yesterday I dragged the hose up the mountain and watered the irises, tulips, daffodils, roses and herbs.  I fed the flowers some organic Tiger Bloom plant food, hoping to help them along from the snowy winter we experienced.  This morning I was pleasantly surprised to see the daffodils had sprung open and were vibrantly colored.  Plants are so responsive to care.

I charged the weed whacker and got a head start on the grassy areas, before they become overgrown.  My machine uses an electric cartridge.  The power lasts about forty-five minutes.  I will continue to work the land in pieces until the weeding is finished.  

It's thrilling and rewarding to see the first flowers of the season.  Spring is really here.  The birds have been zooming around in pairs.  The juveniles are taking dust baths and building nests.  They seem excited and energetic.  The robins have been eating worms and bugs from the soil.  I get the sense that they feel safe and secure here, with all of the trees, food, and shelter.  

How was your weekend?

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  1. It is lovely to see the first spring flowers, isn't it? I, too, watered the garden, front and back, today. :)

    1. Ye, Bless. Such a difference after all of that snow and rain.

  2. Your flowers are looking beautiful, Stephenie. A reward for all your hard work. Xx

    1. Thanks, Jules. The yellow daffodils make me so happy. I love how bright their colors are. Bulbs are so easy.

  3. Daffodils have been blooming for ages here. So many varieties and all a welcome splash of colour.

    1. Yes, I love them, Cherie. I want to plant more for next year. They look so pretty and natural in the forest.

  4. It's so thrilling when plants burst forth, especially in spring, I feel. Like signaling a bright ray of hope. I love it.... and especially daffodils.

    1. I love it, too, ratnamurti. The tulips will bloom next; they are gorgeous, too.

  5. Your flowers are so pretty. Garden work does pay off big time with beauty. Things are really starting to grow here, especially the butterfly bush and the lavender. Looking forward to more flower pictures.

    1. Thank you, Anita. Flowers add so much to a home. I am still using the lavender you sent me. I planted one of my own in Canyon Country. Butterly Bush is very popular up here in Wrightwood.

  6. It's so lovely to get that burst of colour after the drabness of winter. Beautiful. xx

  7. Your flowers are looking good.
    Spring is one of my favourite seasons.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, Lowcarb. I love Spring, too. It's so inspiring.

  8. Your flowers are gorgeous and well worth the effort. I love Spring too.

  9. Thank you, PP. The feeding makes such a difference.
