Saturday, April 13, 2024

A Quick Trip to Las Vegas


Last Thursday I drove up to Las Vegas and met up with two friends I danced with at the MGM Grand Hotel in Reno, Nevada.  We were all in the show together in 1984.  Carol Channing was the headliner.  We had lunch, tea, and dessert at The Lemon Tree Cafe.

I didn’t realize how different Las Vegas is now.  I was very disoriented and had culture shock.  The amount of development was just amazing. 

The photo above  is from one of our backstage birthday parties.  I turned twenty-one there, and the dancers always made a big deal for our birthdays.  It was such a fun and social environment backstage.  We were always celebrating something.  

It was wonderful to see old friends, but I was also very relieved to return to my cabin in the mountains, sit by the fire, and to enjoy this peaceful spot in nature.  The dogs had a terrific time at dog camp, and came barreling down the hillside when I arrived to take them home.

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  1. I love reminiscing - and appreciate having lots of things to reminisce about with pleasure. How lovely to meet up with old friends are even lovelier to be happy at home again afterwards. xx

    1. Thanks, Joy. It was. It's fun to look at the old photos, too.

  2. I always enjoy the photos you share from your dance days. What a fun and exciting lifestyle for someone in their 20s. 😊

    1. Thank you. We had a blast. Backstage was so social and fun.

  3. It must have been an exciting afternoon, meeting up with old friends. I imagine you had plenty to talk about, and lots of happy memories to share between you.
    It must also be nice when you return to your cosy cabin. It sounds like you have the perfect balance. X

    1. Yes, Jules. I think I do. I had a bit of culture shock in Las Vegas. The cabin in so peaceful and private.

  4. How wonderful to meet up with old friends! And then to return to such a warm welcome from the dogs! I'm sure you were happy to see them, too. :)

    1. Thanks, Bless. They were all smiles. They love staying at the place we use. It's fabulous.

  5. How lovely to meet up with old friends. I bet your fur family missed you and were pleased to get back home.

    1. Hi Cherie, They go nuts when they know they get to go stay at Dog Camp. They slept really hard the next night and day. It's so stimulating there, with all of the other dogs.

  6. It is always nice to meet up with old friends. There is no place like home. I can just picture Lula and Jacques running to greet you!

    1. Yes, it was wonderful to arrive in the woods, have a hot bath, a glass of wine, and some cheese and crackers. Nothing like sleeping in your own bed, breathing in the mountain air.

  7. Old friendships are so special, and you all look so happy to be together. How wonderful. It is sobering just how much places change.

    1. Hi Ratnamurti, Yes, as the saying goes, "You can never go back." I am pleased with all of the growth and change that I'm making in my garden, though. Soon the lilacs will be in bloom.

  8. That's a fabulous photo of you and your friends, both the recent one and the old one! xxx
