Sunday, April 7, 2024

The Healing Power of Live Music

Yesterday afternoon I noticed a flyer on social media advertising  a concert in Wrightwood by some local musicians.  It started in ten minutes!  I hurriedly counted out twenty-five dollars from my wallet and jumped into my car.

I arrived in plenty of time, said hello to a few people I recognized, and found a seat on the aisle.  The band was seasoned and well rehearsed.  I knew some of artists from previous performances that I had attended.  It was exciting to see them onstage playing with such ease and enjoyment.  All the years of training, practice, and persistence were evident.  I love being in the presence of master energy.

I stayed afterward and chatted with each of the men from the cast,  complimenting them on their performances.  It was still light outside when I arrived back at the cabin. Inspired, I sang through my songs and worked on some choreography in the living room.  I was so jazzed from the music!  I couldn’t sleep.  Normally I wind down slowly before bed with yoga.  It is getting to the point that when I am at a concert, I feel like I AM the music.  It is an amazing and spiritual sensation.

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  1. Sounds like it was a lovely experience! My daughter is a member of the alumni chorus as UC-Berkeley and she is rehearsing for their spring concert to be held later this month. I wish I could attend, but, I'm not able to.

  2. Lovely photo of you. There is nothing as wonderful as attending a live music event.
