Friday, May 8, 2020

Riding Your Bicycle In The Mountains

I have been really enjoying the new bike rack.  It's exciting to load  and head off to different locations.  It's so much safer than having to ride on a highway or through a busy, high traffic area.  Although right now, there are very few cars out on the road. 

these 15 foot tall lilacs are blooming in my garden

The lilacs are in bloom everywhere.  I love them.  Their gorgeous hues of purple, lavender  and white catch my eye as I walk Lula through our tree lined neighborhood.  Their heady fragrance is divine.  I picked a bouquet and placed them in a crystal vase that the seller had kindly left behind in the kitchen cupboard.  They smell heavenly.

The snow has melted, and the earth is warm.  Families are busy planting their gardens.  I love seeing the children connecting with nature and learning to grow their own food.  Vegetable and flower seedlings are flying off the shelves! 

How is the weather where you live?  Have you been spending more time outside? 

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  1. How wonderful to have lilacs growing in your yard! I haven't seen any in my neighborhood; I guess it is too hot down here for them. It's so good that you can visit your mountain cabin and enjoy riding your bike up there. We've had a couple of hot days, this week, but, the forecast says it'll cool down, again, over the weekend. Maybe I'll be able to start on the side yard, once it cools down, a bit. :)

    1. Hi Bless, I have always wanted lilacs. They are growing everywhere in Wrightwood. They don't need any care. Happy gardening.

  2. What beautiful weather you are having. And I love lilacs! (The deer ate the bush I planted.) They do smell divine! Andrea

    1. It really is, Andrea. I love seeing all of the flowers.

  3. Yes, much more time since it got warmer and sunnier again. Nothing like mountains, just allotment and in the garden but it's lovely.

  4. How lovely to have lilacs growing, Stephanie. So very pretty! I love spending time outside every day. It's beautiful weather where I live right now; clear Autumn days always draw me outside often. MegXx

    1. I love spending time outside, too, Meg. It's perfect bike riding weather.

  5. Hi Stephenie, I often have trouble leaving comments on your blog. The internet signal drops off as soon as I try to post so I give up. Hopefully this comment will get through. Our garden centres have all run out of compost. I think half of Britain has taken up gardening. Lilac is one of the headiest scents around at the moment. I love to breath in huge lungfulls when I spot a tree in the neighbourhood. Those mountain roads must be wonderful to cycle along. All that fresh air and dappled sunlight. Stay safe. x

    1. Hi Cherie, I'm sorry you are having trouble with your signal. Yes, the fresh air and sunshine is fabulous.

  6. It must feel very freeing to take your bike and go cycle up in the mountains, breathing in the fresh clear air. The weather here has been sunny and warm, so I've spent a few days getting Lily used to cycling on the lanes while they are so quiet. Today, however, we will be going for a walk by the river. X

    1. How fun, Jules. Your area looks just beautiful.

  7. Yes we are spending more time outside, but for the opposite reason to you! Our summers are super hot, and hard to take for long, but autumn is mild. I am spending large amounts of time in the garden. This is the busy season -like spring, really for us. The rains have come and everything wants to grow

    1. Rain makes such a difference, emw. I'm glad you are enjoying time in nature.

  8. I hope you can stay warm and cozy, Angela.

  9. Our weather is a little strange lol We had triple digits last week, this morning it is 40 degrees. Crazy Texas.

    Glad you've been enjoying your bike rides, what pretty scenery you have to enjoy while out riding :)

    1. That's quite a jump in temperature, Sandra. It is absolutely gorgeous here; thank you! I feel so fortunate.

  10. You are lucky to have access to lilac. It does not grow naturally down here. Your bike rides sound so lovely. Your mountain town does seem like paradise.

    1. Hi Anita, I have been wanting to grow lilacs for twenty years. I was thrilled to see them everywhere when I bought the cabin. They don't need any care, and make the most fragrant bouquets.
