Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Bobcat Fire, Evacuations and Mountain Lions

The Bobcat Fire has spread at an alarming rate.  I  have been watching it from the Pearblossom Highway on my commute over the past week, and was shocked this morning to see that it looked twice as close to Wrightwood.  Devil's Punchbowl, (which is very close,) has been evacuated.  I hope that the people there get out safely.  I worry that the Wrightwood residents will wait too long and be fumbling in the dark with no electricity.  It's very dark now with the shorter days this time of year.  The mountain roads are only two lanes.

One local posted a videotape of a huge mountain lion in her driveway.  It went after her dog, but she and her husband yelled at it, and were able to protect the canine.   They have children.  It's strange to see the figures of these powerful wild animals on camera, right next to an outside  staircase or deck.   They are also fleeing the fires, and are hungry, thirsty and desperate.  It's like the movie Bambi.  A cub or two was also seen with the mother.  

Another post stated that someone's dog, the size of a German shepherd, was taken by a cougar from the balcony.  People have the illusion that their dogs are safe there.  Mountain lions normally eat deer.  They can easily take down large animals or humans.  I don't think people realize the danger of the situation.

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  1. I hope you continue to be safe from the fires, Stephenie. I feel sorry for the wild animals who are trying to flee the fire. During an earlier fire, one of the news channels showed a live picture of some deer running along the freeway, trying to escape a fire. More recently, there was something about a bear that had its paws burned in another fire. :(

    Stay safe!

  2. A very scary and worrying time for all. Please take care and be safe. Much love. xx

  3. Oh my goodness that sounds terrifying. I hope you aren't in any danger.

  4. I hope these fires end soon! We had several days of hazy skies from you believe that! 2500 miles away and we get some effects! So I can't imagine how awful it must be. Interesting to note about the wildlife! I didn't think of that. Andrea

    1. That's incredible, Andrea. The Bobcat Fire is expected to burn through October!

  5. Incredible. Animals are beings just like us with a family to protect. I feel so bad for them and all the people out there trying to flee. Glad you are safe, please continue to be safe!

    1. Yes, and it must be scary for them, too, Kari. All is well here. Thanks.

  6. I hope you are staying safe Stephanie - and Lula too! If it gets too bad, head north, we have a spare room :-)

    1. We are very fortunate and comfortable, Lady Locust. Thank you. I appreciate the offer. (haha)

  7. Stephenie, I'm glad to know you are safe.
    Are you ack in your cottage now? Please don't wait too long to evacuate the cabin. If mountain lions are in the neighborhood looking for food, I wonder they are also escaping fires and coming to Wrightwood.

    1. Hi Nil. We are fine. Thanks for your concersn. We actually have a lot of mountain lions, bobcats and other wildlife in Wrightwood. There are just more animals on the run from the Bobcat Fire.

  8. How is the air quality where you are? I have read that it's so bad in some areas of the West Coast that people are being urged to stay indoors. Like someone else posted, we are getting the effects of the fires here on the east coast. All day yesterday and part of today was this weird darkish sky, like it was going to pour at any moment but never did.

    1. It feels okay, Debbie. Up at the fire it is very smoky. It depends on where you are. I think the winds have been carrying the smoke very far east. Thanks for reading and for commenting.

  9. My heart goes out to all those affected by the fires such a terrible time for so many. Take care dear friend and know that you are in my prayers.

    1. Thank you, mm. Things like this are out of our control, at this stage. We are hopeful, though. The firefighters are excellent. They work tirelessly.

  10. I have been watching the Bobcat Fire and was hoping you would not be in its path of destruction. What an awful fire season we are having this year. Stay safe and remember you can always head south to us if you and Lula need a place!

    1. Thank you, Anita. I love it down there! I was thinking about you, because the pilots have come in to help. It's magnificent to watch them in those jets with the water...
