Saturday, September 5, 2020

Drinking Less Coffee

For the past few days, I have cut my coffee consumption down from three cups a day to just two cups.  I do feel a difference.  Instead of reaching for another cup of java, I do an activity that I enjoy, like yoga, hiking, biking, or knitting. 

I lighten and sweeten  my French roast coffee with cream and sugar, so that means I am also cutting down on dairy and sweeteners.  I am reading an excellent book about aging and brain health.  It's pretty easy for me to eat well, but coffee was the one area where I was overdoing it.  Moderation seems to really help the body to do it's job.

My dad completely quit coffee the year that he died. He was eighty-eight.   I was amazed that he was able to stop his morning ritual cold turkey.  "It's just a habit," he told me, resigned.  His feet hurt, and his ankles were swelling.  He switched to drinking hot water each morning.  He was very disciplined that way; he had healthy eating habits, too. 

How much coffee or tea do you consume each day? 

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  1. I mostly drink tea. Maybe twice a week I drink a cup of coffee in the morning. I rarely drink two cups of coffee in one day. But sometimes I drink tea in the morning and in the afternoon if I’m home.

    I’ve heard that caffeine is not very good for our bodies. But I need my tea in the morning. Heheee

    1. I know what you mean, Nil. I love my morning coffee, too.

  2. I drink a cup a day. But if I drink after noon, I don't sleep well. So I try to drink it early. I knew someone many years ago who lived long and said he drank hot water all the time! Good for your dad...maybe he felt something had to be tried to ease the pain. Andrea

    1. Good for you, Andrea. Maybe someday I ca cut it down to a cup a day, too. That would make it a very special treat!

  3. Hi, I can totally relate to drinking coffee. I am a coffee addict. I cant tell you how many times I "quit coffee." Now I just say "I'm taking a break from coffee" I too read health articles and books. Now a days I have an cup in the morning and that's it. I make sure to make it light because the thing about coffee that I dislike is the crash. Your dad sounds like he was a very health conscious and discipline guy. :) I'm enjoying reading your blog!

    1. Hi Kari, Thanks for reading and for commenting. Yes, my dad was incredibly disciplined. He had healthy eating habits, too.

  4. About two years ago, because of stomach issues, I cut from one cup a day of coffee, to two or three cups a week. Now it is like a super big treat for me when I chose to drink a cup, so it is fun.

  5. That's good that you were able to cut down on the amount of coffee you've been drinking. I generally drink two cups of tea a day, with milk and sugar. Occasionally, I will have a cup of coffee, but prefer iced coffee (with a flavored creamer). I used to drink more coffee, but, lost my taste for it after chemo and never really regained the taste.

    1. Thanks, Bless. It's saving me money, too. The price of sugar has soared in Wrightwood. I will wait for a sale, or buy it at Costco.

  6. Just my 2 cups- since about 8th grade. Once in a blue moon I’ll have a cup on a winter evening but that’s not the norm.

    1. Wow, you started young, LL. Yes, a cup in the evening during the cold season is comforting.

  7. I drink far too much tea for my health. It's definitely just a habit though and I switched to drinking water while Tony is at work. Even he has cut back a little bit.

    1. I am making an effort to drink more water, too, Cherie. I may start brewing sage tea.

  8. Too much, but justify it to myself because it is decaffeinated.

  9. I drink 2 mugs of black, unsweetened coffee daily. The mugs are from Italy and are smaller than the gargantuan mugs I see for sale. One mug when I get up (it is ready because the coffee pot has a timer) and one mug after dinner from the French press. My father also quit his morning coffee about 2 years before he died, but he replaced it with hot tea.

  10. You've got a nice system, Anita. All these posts are making me want another cup of coffee!

  11. I drink far too much coffee. It doesn't keep me awake in the evening but I do stop drinking it just before lunch. I'm aiming to drink more water as soon as I get up, to lessen the coffee consumption, but am still at the satge where I quite often forget my new regime.....
