Thursday, September 3, 2020

First Haircut and a Bus Ride

vacation memories from last year
Our hair salons in California have opened, so I called the lady that cuts my hair and booked a slot.  She mentioned that she doesn't have much parking at her new location, so I decided to walk.  What a mistake.

It was very hot outside, and I was wearing a new pair of sandals.  I had forgotten how far her shop is from my cottage, and how long it takes to get there.  I used to ride my bike, but won't be doing that anymore.  The highway is too busy, and they are doing construction.  Blisters began to form on my feet, and they started to bleed.

It was all worth it, though.  I got in for my appointment, and I was the only one there.  She did a terrific job, as she always does.  I gave her twice the amount she charges, and she was very appreciative.  She has only been asking for $10.00 per haircut for the twenty years I have been going there.  I had a few inches taken off my red mane, and I feel like a new woman!

I decided to take the bus home.  What I didn't realize is that I would have to wait over an hour for the next one.  I didn't have the schedule with me.  I tried to be patient, and eventually it came.  It made me very grateful that I have a car.  Next time I'll use it.

There were only a few people on the bus, thank goodness.  Everyone was wearing a mask, and we sat far apart from each other.  It was a relief to get home.  I don't think I"ll be doing that again.  There was a man right after me at the shop.  The owner made him wait outside, which I really appreciated.  He was getting in her space and bumping elbows with her, acting like it was cute.  It really stresses me out when men like him don't take this virus seriously.  I sighed and went on with my day.

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  1. Your poor feet! Hope the blistered areas are OK, now. That was very kind of you to pay more for your hair cut; it was no doubt appreciated very much. One of the benefits of growing my hair is I don't have to worry about hair cuts! :) Unfortunately, there are a lot of people like that man at the shop; which is a pity.

    1. They feel much better today, Bless. I cleaned the blisters with apple cider vinegar. I grew my hair out, too. I prefer it shoulder length, though. It feels so healthy and bouncy now.

  2. Ouch! Poor you. The very thought of those blisters is making me wince. Glad it was worth it for the haircut though. I too gave me hairdresser double what she normally asks. Times are hard for many people and I was glad to be able to do my bit to support the local economy.

    1. It was totally worth it, Cherie. I just need to be more mindful of the heat. I didn't bring any water with me, which I regretted. It feels good to tip people well.

  3. A haircut can do wonders for our wellbeing! I hope your poor feet are now well rested and the blisters don't hurt too much. Good idea to take the car next time x

    1. I agree, Christina. Her parking situation is challenging, but I may combine it with a grocery shop and park in their lot and walk over to her place.

  4. Some people - honestly!!!!
    I'm sorry to read about your poor feet - hopefully they are healing up quickly.
    Have a lovely day!

    1. Thanks Joy. They feel much better today. I am glad that I waited for the bus and didn't walk home.

  5. Sounds like a rough trip! But you got your hair cut..yeah! And a great price. I'm dying to get mine cut. Our salons have been open for a while, I just don't live close to any good ones. I've been in situations where I found out I wore the wrong shoes for walking...and got painful blisters, not to mention the difficulty of walking! Andrea

    1. I definitely learned my lesson, Andrea. Yes, the right shoes make all of the difference.

  6. Ouch! Sore feet are not nice at all. I'm glad you had a good haircut at last though, Stephenie, I feel so miserable when mine gets out of control as it's never long enough to tie back. How lovely of you to pay her extra. I gave my hairdresser a tip (though not double) She charges £19 for a cut and blow dry. With customers like that silly man your lady certainly earns her money. Hope your feet are a little better now x

    1. She's really sweet and hard working, PP. That's great that you got yourself a good haircut, too. Next I'm going to work on my nails.

  7. I hope your blisters heal quickly. It sounds like you had quite an adventure. Our salons opened this week also. I had my hair done right away and I feel so much happier. That man sounds like a jerk. Try to keep cool this weekend-it will be a hot one.

    1. It is going to be very hot, Anita. I am planning ahead; have lots of sorbet in the freezer and some watermelon, too!

  8. Oooohh! Blistered feet hurt. Hope they are beginning to feel better (Epsom salt soaks do help.) That is quite the deal for a haircut. Not sure I've heard such a reasonable price for decades - actually even double is reasonable - can you tell I'm in awe?

    1. I know, she is from Korea. She works quickly and has lots of loyal customers. I plan to take a bath this afternoon with epsom salts.

  9. I hope your feet are healing quickly. X

  10. It sounds like your new haircut was worth the walk and blisters, Stephanie. Ouch! I have long-ish wavy hair that my husband trims for me and, although not a hairdresser cut, I always feel lighter when it's been trimmed. MegXx

    1. It really was, Meg. The blisters are healing quickly. How nice that your husband cuts your hair for you!

  11. I hope your blisters heal quickly, Stephenie.

    It’s so nice of you to pay double the amount for your hair cut. The stylist must have appreciated it a lot, especially because they had no business for a while.

    Like Bless, I have long hair, so no need for hair cuts. 😊

    1. Thanks, Nil. They are. My hair had gotten long, but the ends felt a bit straggly. She cut off three inches, and it feels fantastic!

  12. Great treat to get your hair trimmed. I am aghast of the number of people every where who seem to think that they are immune to the virus and can therefore do what they want. I fnd them scary.

    1. Yes, it's strange. I try to be polite to people, but then they want to hold the door open for me, and I say, "No, thank you." That distance really matters.

  13. The stupidity of some people never ceases to amaze. Hope your poor feet feel better.

    1. It's a challenge, mm. I try to time my errands, but it seems like other people are doing the same thing.

  14. Your poor feet! I am glad the hair cut was a success, but getting there and back was a bit of a challenge. Stay safe.

    1. Hi Meredith, I’m sorry I didn’t see your comment until now. All’s well that ends well.
