Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Making Time To De Stress During the Pandemic

Twin Lakes Wrightwood, California
Ah... the relaxation of floating on the lake.  It's just magical.  I love to lift up my sunglasses and peek at the mountains and trees.  This view just takes my breath away; I never get tired of it.  It's easy to practice social distancing here.  Guests are not allowed at the country club at the moment.  It gives us all plenty of space.  The warm, soothing sunshine feels amazing!

During times like these, it takes a lot of self discipline to stay grounded.  I try to not get sucked into the negativity of the news.  Exercise, time in nature, crafting and home care can help to ease mental and psychological pressure.  I have been saying the serenity prayer a lot these days.  Enjoying delicious home cooked meals, picnics and a daily structured routine can really help to maintain  a positive focus. 

Have you been out in the sun lately?  Where is your retreat?

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  1. When I am in the sun I wear a big hat and long sleeves and sun block as needed. I would float in your beautiful lake for brief moments, it looks close to heaven, floating alone. One of the pluses of this difficult time.

    1. That's smart. I use sun screen and lay out when it is safe, Terra. We have a lot of shade up there, which is nice.

  2. That looks blissful. I bet it is the perfect place to relax and destress. Our lovely sunny weather has all but disappeared but as soon as it returns I will be relaxing in the garden. Housework can wait for rainy days.

    1. It is, Cherie. It's just a mile walk from my house. I feel so fortunate to be in this location.

  3. Very nice photos! I feel the same way. You have to make the time for yourself and to relax to combat stress. I know how relaxing floating on the lake is! Andrea

    1. Yes, it's delightful. So glad that you enjoyed the photos.

  4. I'm not surprised you find it relaxing, it looks wonderful there. The sunshine here has been lacking lately but the forecast for the end of the week is looking good, so I'll be going to the lake myself to do some paddle boarding. X

  5. Wow, it looks so beautiful and serene.

    The only time I’m in the sun is when I’m doing yard work. 😊 It’s very hot and humid now, and I can easily get dehydrated.

    1. Thanks for the reminder, Nil. I just poured myself another glass of water. It is incredible at the lake.

  6. Yes we all need to work on positive mindsets. It is winter here, but when there is a sunny day my spirits soar. My work in the garden always lifts me.

    1. That's wonderful, emw. I love it that on a sunny day your spirits soar.

  7. The lake looks so idyllic. How special. When lockdown was on in New Zealand, I did find that having a daily routine kept my spirits up

    1. It is, swami. I feel the same way about a daily routine and schedule.

  8. What an absolutely beautiful place to live. It sounds the perfect unwinding/de-stressing environment. Sheer bliss.

  9. Such a beautiful place to relax and take in those stunning views. I like to take a walk around our village or coastline.

  10. Oh how much I'd love to float on a lake like yours! It is stunningly beautiful.

    1. Wish you could join me, Christina. It's divine...

  11. I would keep my routine even if there was no pandemic. It is just my personality. I love to sit outside, properly covered in sunscreen of course! There is always something to watch be it birds, lizards, butterflies, or neighborhood life. Finding personal peace is very important, especially right now.

    1. That's for sure, Anita. I thrive on a routine, too.

  12. That looks such a beautiful place and relaxing indeed. I like the peace of our allotment, Stephenie, there is hardly anyone there at any one time. Nature can be so absorbing that it takes my mind off the current situation. On a sunny day our new garden is tempting to sit in too.

  13. It looks like such a serene spot, Stephanie. A soothing place to be. While it is Winter here now, many days are sunny and warm. I like to curl up with a book in a sunny spot on my verandah. MegXx

    1. Sounds lovely, Meg. I love to curl up with a book, too. My favorite place is my deck overlooking the mountains at the cabin.

  14. I thought I commented on this post, earlier. I know I said something about the lovely scenery. But, maybe it didn't go through. Sorry about that.
