Thursday, July 16, 2020

Up and Down

Yesterday we had a disturbed man in Wrightwood cut the lines in a box affecting all of our cell phones.  He was caught and apprehended in Ventura, and is in jail now.  The wires were repaired and our phones were running again after about four hours of no service.  It made me realize that maybe I should probably have a land line, as well, just in case. 

I have picked up my beloved knitting again.  I decided to start simply, and  made a couple of dishcloths. I'm using a ball of  lovely, soft organic cotton yarn.  It was given to me by one of the leaders of a knitting group I used to attend.  She gave me several skeins.  The pattern I'm working on right now is the basket weave stitch.  I'd forgotten how much I enjoy clicking the needles.  It really does relax me, as long as  I don't overshoot and do something too complicated or frustrating.

I am busy with my writing and am organizing my finances.  We are in the process of closing on a couple of real estate deals.  It feels satisfying to get all of my ducks in a row.  I am happy with my investments and the dividends that they produce.  I have been researching a few companies that I really like, and plan to buy some more stocks.  I got a good deal on Coca Cola.  I think they will be around for a while.  I was amazed to see how many people in Europe drink it regularly, out of a bottle.  It reminded me of the old days when I was growing up in San Mateo, California.

How are you doing?

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  1. I don't have a landline now, and I remember I had to use the phone sparingly when we had a hurricane and lost power. There was no way to charge the phone! That's a disadvantage of having only a cellphone.

    1. That's a good point, Nil. My friend lived in NYC during 9/11 and he kept his landline.

  2. Only last night I was thinking of picking up my knitting. I haven't finished the pair of socks I started months ago so might at long last get around to finishing them.

    1. I hope you do, Cherie. I have two pair of socks that I need to finish, too. I used to be so disciplined about finishing my projects.

  3. Glad to hear that you have your phone service back in working order! Good to hear that you are knitting, again. I haven't knitted anything since I finished making the fingerless mitts. That's wonderful that you working on your finances and setting things up. Very wise of you. :)

    1. Thanks, Bless. It feels good to have a plan on paper. I remember those fingerless mitts that you made. They were very pretty.

  4. I have a landline but I dont have a phone connected because BT moved their customer centre to India and I suspect someone stole their customer database as I was forever getting calls saying my line would be cut off unless I paid x y or z. It got monotonous. Great news about your investments, there is money to be made if you do your research.

    1. That's true, Frugal. I do a lot of reading and studying about personal finance. There's so much to learn.

  5. We have kept our landline because we live in a very hilly area so cell coverage is not all that reliable. I am waiting for a delivery from Webs so I can start another Moonshine cardigan. I love the pattern and it fits me really well. I has taken Webs almost 2 weeks to put the yarn in the mail-I hope I haven't forgotten how to knit!

    1. How exciting, Anita! I have a couple of favorite sweater patterns that I have knit in different yarns, too. my cell phone signal was spotty during storms up at the cabin. It's good to always have a way to reach people.

  6. Scary when there is an unbalanced person doing strange things, glad you're ok. I'm so impressed on how you have handled your finances over the years, enabling you to have a secure and nice life. I'm quite savvy with money although I don't have investments, and it's enabled me to recently buy a new-to-me really nice car - with cash. It feels good to be able to do that. Reagrds, Swami Ratnamurti

    1. Congratulations on the car, ratnamurti. How exciting. Thank you for the encouragement. I spend several hours a week listening to Suze Orman, reading about stocks, real estate and other investments. Security is a wonderful thing to have.

  7. That sounds very disturbing. Glad they caught the man who destroyed the wires.. Stay safe my friend.

    1. Thanks, Mereknits. Yes, it's a relief. He was getting into all sorts of trouble.

  8. Glad you have your phones back! I wonder why people do such things! I love knitted washclothes. I still haven't used a book I bought on how to make them. Great that you are on-top of your finances...that gives a stress-free life! Andrea

    1. Thanks Andrea. It's a relief. I love knitted washcloths, too. I just crocheted one, as well. It's easy and relaxing. So nice to be crafting again...
