Sunday, July 19, 2020

Staying Home and Spending Less

Have you been spending less money since the pandemic?  Many of us are finding that since we are not commuting, eating out, traveling or shopping that we have reduced our expenses.

I have been making a concerted effort to stay on my budget and to use the supplies that I have.  I am eating through the stockpile, and replenishing it slowly and carefully.  I buy a lot of my groceries in bulk, which saves me time, trips to the store, and money.  The garden has been producing well, and the produce I get from the local co-op means very few items are needed from the market.  It's rewarding to eat what's in season, and to support our local farmers.  It's satisfying to not use any packaging.  Everything is placed in our reusable baskets.

Living in a mountain town that's walkable means lots of daily exercise and fresh air.  I never realized how much I would enjoy settling in a small village where everything that I need is within a mile or two of my cabin.

Making use of the numerous hiking, bicycle trails and local lakes has provided inexpensive and free entertainment.  Instead of purchasing a kayak, I bought a $20.00 blow up raft at the hardware store.  It suits my needs just fine, and I can carry it with me to and from the country club.   One of the ladies who works there commented that I'm certainly getting my money's worth out of my membership.  She's right.  My parents raised me that way.  If they bought us something like soccer cleats, or a skateboard, we were expected to use it.  Going for a daily swim in the lake has been so  beneficial, on  many levels.  Once the weather turns cold, these long sunny days will be over; so I enjoy it now as much as possible.

There seems to be much less laundry to do this time of year.  I wear sundresses and sandals most of the time, which are light, cool, and breezy.  My beach towel is carefully laid outside to dry each afternoon.  The swimsuit is rinsed in cold water and hung on the towel rack in the sauna. Both are  fresh and soft the next morning. The beach towel can be used several times before needing to be laundered.   

How is your summer going?

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  1. I have spent too much on clothes in the past. I appreciate the less clothes to launder the summer! Andrea

    1. Me, too, Andrea. The sun dries our laundry on the clothesline so quickly this time of year.

  2. It sounds like you are doing everything right, Stephenie. Well done! Is that one of the pieces of real estate you mentioned closing on in your previous post? If so, congratulations!

    I am afraid I am spending more money! Although I am not spending as much on gas for the car (monthly budget of $50) and I am not eating out (monthly budget of $25), it feels like I am spending all what I have saved and more on groceries and stocking up on household items! However, I am just grateful that I am able to spend more as needed. :)

    1. Thanks Bless. Yes, it is. It sounds like you are spending that money wisely on things that you need. I plan to shop at Costco today for the same reason. I just go every few months.

  3. I have bought no new clothes since Jan. 1. I already had an ample supply and see no need to replace anything. I've gone through everything in the closet and did any needed repairs. There were some seams starting to need stitching and some buttons that were loose.

    I have been buying extra canned and bottled goods each time I grocery shop. I hope against hope there isn't a big second wave of the virus but am preparing for the worst.

    1. Good for you, Granny_J. Thanks for reading and for commenting. Like you, I have been mending my dresses and sweaters. It makes such a difference to stitch up the hole in an underarm, or fix a seam that is unraveling.

  4. I totally agree with you, if you have bought something like a membership you owe it to yourself to get the full benefit from it while you can. I presume some of the pursuits are best during the warmer seasons, you enjoy yourself.

    1. Yes, that's true, Frugal. When winter arrives, I will be knitting by the fire. It's a whole different lifestyle here at that time of year. The easy days of summer are long and relaxing.

  5. Your Summer sounds as lovely as it can be, Stephanie, as you make the most of where you live and what you have close by. While it is Winter here now, this week has been warm and we had a picnic at the beach on the weekend. Just getting outdoors is so good for our health. MegXx

    1. I saw the photos of your picnic, Meg. It looked amazing! I agree about spending time in nature. It's good for the soul.

  6. Winter here. Washing seems to be relentless in winter (sigh) and I do not have a dryer. I am very careful with money. Sometimes I have a little spree of spending but it never lasts long. I have a gym membership but have been reluctant to resume going, due to you-know-what. However, this country is quite safe in that area so next week perhaps I shall hit the weights.

    1. I can understand why you haven't gone, swami. They closed our gym here. I didn't go when it was open, I was too nervous. I feel safer outside in the sunshine. Have fun, whatever you do...

  7. Thanks to Bless for asking the question about the lot in your picture. What a beautiful piece of land. We did have to spend money on a few somewhat unexpected things over the last few months-tires for my car, new shock absorbers for Steve's car, new screens for the house, repairs/improvements to the irrigation system-overall we have not had to dip into any savings yet. Stay safe and healthy dear friend Stephenie.

  8. Thanks Anita. I think so, too. That's fantastic that you haven't had to dip into savings. I am impressed. You are so well prepared and organized.
