Friday, April 13, 2018

Said Good-bye To Lana Today

This morning I made the decision to put Lana to sleep. It was painful and difficult.  I realized that if my mother had been in the shape that Lana is in, and the doctors were keeping her alive, I would be furious. Reframing the situation made me realize that prolonging Lana's suffering was not the kind thing to do. I had to face the truth. The vet agreed with me. He was so gentle with her. 

The grief has made me feel sick, but I am plugging away at my work and chores. Knitting helps. It's excellent therapy.  Lula's company is also very comforting. She is such a sweet and loyal dog. She has been extremely sensitive and caring. I plan to take her for a hike later on this afternoon.

I've been working on the edits for my second article for Dance Magazine. It's exciting to be part of such an excellent publication. I hadn't realized how much I miss working with people from New York, and the interaction with other dancers. It gives me a wonderful lift. I've always enjoyed being part of something bigger than myself. 

I may have an exciting interview coming up. (with a very talented and accomplished Broadway star.) I went out on a limb and contacted her. I was delighted to hear that she is very interested;  I am just waiting to see if we get approval  from her creative team. It really gives me such a charge to talk with artists who have achieved such greatness. I have been incredibly  fortunate in my career. Learning  from the masters and performing with the stars has been thrilling. Sometimes I feel like I need to pinch myself!

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  1. It took an enormous amount of love and compassion in order to make that decision, Stephenie.
    Wishing you Peace and Grace this evening.

    1. Thank you Jill. Your writing is always so beautiful. The tears are constantly flowing right now, but it's better than stuffing the emotions in the body. She had a peaceful passing, with her head buried in my lap.

  2. Sending hugs and lots of positive energy to you, Stephenie. I'm glad that Lula is with you.

    Good luck with the upcoming interview!

    1. Thanks Nil. I'm glad, too. She's so sweet. Hope you are doing well.

  3. I'm so sorry, Stephenie. I'm sure your beautiful Lana knew that you loved her so. Meg Xx

    1. Thank Meg. She was so pretty. I've been enjoying looking at her pictures, and watching a video I made of her today.

  4. Sorry for your loss, I have been through the same.
    Be gentle on yourself and take time. xx

    1. Thank you Simple Living. Today was much better than yesterday. I had so much support from blog readers and friends. It really helps.

  5. Thinking of you Stephenie. I am so sorry for your loss.

    1. Thanks Anita. I am relieved that she is no longer suffering.

  6. I feel your pain, I made that decision with my wonderful boy Harry. I haven't had another pet since. Keep busy, grief does subside with time.

    1. Sorry about Harry, Tania. Yes, the grief is already much better, thanks. I hope she's happily playing frisbee in heaven.

  7. I am sending you a gentle hug across the airwaves, Lana isn't suffering anymore and you aren't hurting watching her suffer. Give it a little time. xxxx

    1. That's so true. Thank you. Have been watching the videos that I took of her. She was so sweet, and loved life.

  8. so sorry for your loss
    thought she was doing well but i guess she was doing her best to please you again; it's never an easy decision, glad that she is no longer suffering; will you bury her at home? i have planted trees on all my beloved dogs & the cats are all in the herb garden
    hugs to you & Lula
    thanx for sharing

    1. Hi Selina, She was cremated. We have wildlife here, so I don't bury my pets. She is in my heart. Thank you.
