Friday, September 7, 2018

Choosing Your Thoughts Carefully

Lately I have been rereading some of Napolean Hill's books. They coincide with the Louise Hay tapes that I listen to on Youtube, and the Esther Hicks'  Law of Attraction lectures. These are my daily lessons. I soak them in, and  let them permeate my consciousness. This way of thinking is how I manifested my career as a professional dancer. I apply the same principals now,  as a writer. 

Basically, what these people  all teach is that what we focus on, we attract. If we write down our goals, take action, and are persistent, atoms and molecules will shift, and our circumstances change. It's so important to focus on what you want to create. Many of us slip into doubt and fear, and then we attract those very negative situations and circumstances.

As a magazine writer, I see how much the world of  writing has changed. Periodical  and the news have taken on a very different tone than the hopeful optimism that I remember from my youth. I make a concerted effort not to get swept up into the negative news. Habits like complaining, criticizing, and judging lower our vibration, and they become a vicious cycle. I know that if I fall into these traps, more of the same energy zooms toward me. Because of that, I choose what I ingest very carefully.

As a dancer, I was taught an extreme level of self discipline.  It serves me to this day.  Something about the classical music, the talented teachers, and the vigilant focus on technique brought us to a very high level.  The group energy was exciting and inspiring. We were joined, energetically, through our higher aspirations.  We were always striving.

If we study and discuss the current scandals and violence in the news, we lower ourselves to that level. It is so important to stay uplifted and engaged in positive action. I call it "vibrating high". My aunt used to tell me, "Rise above it." I didn't understand what she meant at the time, but now I do. We have the power to focus our mind and to set our intention. It is the greatest predictor of our success or failure. The mind is like a magnet. It doesn't discriminate. How do you hold your focus?  

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  1. I could not agree more. I'm super sensitive to music, to moods, to reading, movies.....As I have gotten older I have embraced this reality about myself and now make a concerted effort to focus on the good in life, and when life is messy to look for the beauty within the mess. When I listen to old TV/documentaries the tone was so very different then what we hear now. There seemed to be an element of hope and encouragement, even awe. Whilst these things still exist in modern day media, they are certainly not the norm. I don't think the "doom and gloom" tone is one which motivates us to do better either which is unfortunate. Lovely post today. xx

    1. I am sensitive to those things, too, Emma. I agree about the element of hope and encouragement. It makes such a difference to be optimistic.

  2. I also agree. I like to say "whatever you're looking for, that's what you'll find." We might as well look for the good in things (including ourselves.). The other thing I notice is the dark colors today. We have neighbors who painted their house black. From clothes to houses it's all so dark. In years past, homes were generally lighter tones and trends for clothes of course change quickly but we're still much brighter than today. I like the happy colors. Am I weird to notice that? Great post.

    1. No, you're not weird, Anita. A black house, wow! I have worked at jobs where I had to wear black, and it depressed me. You always sound very upbeat in your posts.

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post Stephanie and totally agree with what you are saying. I won't buy a newspaper as they are simply full of negativity. I avoid gossipy kind of women as they simply sit around in groups lashing out at others in a very cruel way. I am trying so hard to focus on the good things in my life and letting go of anything negative

    1. Thank you, Cherie. I agree about the newspapers. That is wise to stick with positive, happy people.

  4. Couldn't agree more! Thank you for a wonderful post.

  5. Yes, this is a lovely post. Personally I strive to focus on being the type of person I want to attract-happy, positive, eager, intelligent, open minded. It is not as easy as it sounds to accomplish in this day and age which accepts nasty, vulgar, and demeaning behavior as the norm. It makes me sad sometimes. I often wonder how people know how to behave when one side of society stresses decency and humanity while the other side (mass media) condones, accepts and praises negativity and meanness. Optimism ahoy should be our first thought upon awaking each day.

    1. Hi Anita, Yes, that makes all the difference. We have to be conscious enough to know how to choose positivity. It's easy to slip into the negative chorus when you are reading and watching that type of material.

  6. This topic interests me greatly Stephenie and I am so glad you
    have brought it up.
    I believe in the power of positive thinking.
    The Law of attraction makes perfect sense,Gratitude also
    changes things.

    I try not to subject myself to negativity,I watch very little Television
    and hardly ever watch the news.
    Despite everything that is happening in the World there is still much
    more Good than Bad,sadly this is rarely portrayed.

    Take Care x

    1. I agree, Fiona. When we schedule time to do the things that we love, and spend our time with like minded people, we are much happier. There is so much available on Youtube on these subjects, and it's all free! Quite wonderful...

  7. What a lovely post. I completely agree with you Stephenie.

    1. Thank you, Nil. There is a lot of inspiration out there, if we look for it.

  8. Just yesterday, I had one of those wide-ranging conversations with a very beautiful person about what we choose to bring into our lives and give our energy, thoughts and time to. I agree so wholeheartedly with you! I feel we can choose to a large extent what we absorb through the conscious choices of whom we befriend, what we read and listen to and view, what we put our time and energy into and how we create balance for negativity. A really great post, Stephenie. Meg:)

    1. That's very true, Meg. We always have the power of choice. Group energy is also very strong, too. I love to be around happy children, animals, and out in the garden.

  9. You can be proud of your self-discipline! I agree it is important to "guard our mind" in a way to not let what's happening in the world affect us too much. We will have enough troubles of our own in due time than to worry about things! Andrea

    1. Well said, Andrea. I don't want to get swept up into a current of negativity.
