Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Improving Where You Are, And What You Have

Yesterday I went to Green Thumb to buy some cold weather vegetables and flowers. It is still warm here during the day, but the days are getting shorter, and the plants are reacting. The brutal heat of the summer is over, I hope. A couple of my artichoke plants from last year have returned. I bought another six pack of them, just in case. They were so successful last year. Artichokes are expensive to buy in the grocery stores, so I will put a lot of time and energy into nurturing them and providing healthy soil.

I planted some colorful pansies in the window boxes. They add so much cheer and personality to the home. I can see them from my desk as I sit and write. I also bought a variety of lettuces. They are so easy to grow, and they make the most delicious salads. The chickens love lettuce, too. They have been laying eggs like crazy, thanks to all of the worms and bugs in the compost. They get so excited when I fill their little pail each morning. 

One of the things I love the most about the West Coast  is the pleasant weather. I am able to eat my meals outdoors all year. Sitting out on the porch, listening to the birds singing their beautiful songs, and gazing at the flowers and greenery relaxes me. Lula snoozes happily on the porch or in the sunny driveway, and many of us in the area  ride our bikes and walk daily. 

Having been fortunate enough to travel, I always feel relieved when I arrive home. It's exciting and exhilarating to visit foreign lands and seas, but I always am happy to walk in my front door and get back to a daily routine. Being away from home makes me appreciate how cute my little cottage is, and when I return I see it with appreciative eyes. So much of happiness is how we see things. Our perspective is extremely powerful. I have been reading posts by some of my friends in New York, and they complain about the smell, the pollution, and the trash. Our environment really affects us, emotionally and mentally. What are you doing in your home today?

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  1. Home Sweet Home! Very healthy plants. Lula looks
    And here we think dogs need comfy dog beds, etc! I had a dog once who always laid on rocks by our house...I thought maybe it was therapeutic! You reminded me that I think our song birds have left for the upcoming cold! Andrea

    1. Hi Andrea, She likes to sunbathe. Hot rocks...maybe you're right.

  2. I love pansies too! They are such happy flowers. I have pots of petunias in bloom right now and they are brightly coloured and cheerful blooms too. I have a couple outside my kitchen window and I love looking at them as I'm doing the washing up! Meg:)

    1. Hi Meg, I adore petunias, too. They are so pretty. I love all of the old fashioned flowers. How nice that you can see yours from your window.

  3. I love window boxes of flowers! So pretty, and have always wanted to put them up but here our summers are so scorchingly hot they would get quickly burnt unless under shade. Perhaps at the next place where it is wetter and milder I will be able too.

    Lulu is looking very content. LOL


    1. Hi Emma, We have incredibly hot summers here, too. I usually have enough shade for my window boxes from the huge Poplar tree in my front yard.

  4. Hello Stephenie,
    I love Pansies, so vibrant, I must get some more myself. Eating outside is something we do as much as we can, the weather is getting much colder in the UK but we have still been having morning coffee and lunch outside.

  5. Hi Living Simply, The are. I love Violas, too. How nice for you that the weather is getting colder. I am looking forward to that time of year here.

  6. I am glad to hear the winter flowers were available at your nursery. Once the painters are finished with the outside of the house (Friday)I will make a trip to our favorite nursery to buy pansies, snapdragons, violas and primroses to replace the fading zinnias, marigolds and strawflowers from the summer. I will try to maintain the vinca which have self seeded all over the back gardens. I dig up the seedlings and pot them. So far, so good! 100% have taken. We are harvesting bell peppers now, but they are small. Happy to have them though since they are so expensive in the store. Carrots are coming up also. I love the photo of sweet Lula!

    1. Hi Anita, I love all of those flowers that you mentioned. I have vinca as a ground cover here. It's a bit invasive. The periwinkle flowers are very pretty, though. Yes, bell peppers are expensive in the stores. I will have to try growing them next year.

  7. I completely agree about the affect our environment has on us! I am decorating for fall today 😊 but just took a break to read your blog. You always put up such lovely posts.

  8. Oh, you are so sweet. Thank you, Courtney. I am going to go catch up on your blog and lovely home. Enjoy your decorating.

  9. What pretty little pansies, bright and cheerful. It’s getting a bit chilly in our part of the world, though still warm enough to sit outside with a cardi on xx

    1. Hi Cheryl, Thanks, I love them. It's getting cool enough for shawls and cardigans here in the mornings and evenings, too.

  10. What you said in the last paragraph is so true. That's exactly how I feel.
    I always love seeing photos of your cozy cottage and garden. You take very good care of both and it shows.

  11. Thank you, Nil. I could do much better in the cleaning department, but I am working on a schedule for the bigger projects. I would say the same about you. I love seeing the photos of your little house by the lake.
