Saturday, July 27, 2019

Having Something To Look Forward To

a three day cruise on NCL  from Barcelona to Rome

A big part of our mental heath is having things to look forward to in life. I learn a lot from Lula, my carefree Labrdoodle. She joyfully anticipates the simplest things each day: having a treat, going for a bike ride or a walk, and riding in the car.

We don't have to spend a lot of money on things that bring us happiness. We just need to be aware and to make time for them. For me, that means using the numerous bike trails that are available to us in Santa Clarita. It's so much fun to get up early, hop on the bus, load the bike on the bike rack, and to explore!

approaching Napoli: view from my balcony

I get together with my dancing friends once a year.  Often it's just a short trip, one or two nights, but I greatly enjoy seeing people that I have known for thirty years.  We have wonderful memories and a strong connection.   I will drive to the location to see them, if it's on the West Coast. Last year I took a road trip to Reno.  This year it will be Las Vegas.  If the reunion is in New York, I book a cheap flight in advance, and fly.

You can look forward to a favorite cup of tea, a delicious coffee, or a dessert. You might anticipate taking a wonderful ballet or yoga class. Whatever it is, if it lights you up, it's a positive for your state of mind. I even find that making a favorite recipe makes me look forward to relishing a delicious dinner. Planning a trip in advance enables you to find inexpensive flights and to save the money you will need for meals, tips, and touring.  You can research everything online and find what it is that you would prefer. Reading the reviews and seeing the photos is very helpful, too.

What do you look forward to in life? Has it changed as you've gotten older?

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  1. This is a wonderful post, Stephenie. I agree so strongly with the need to have something to look forward to in life, to see this in simple things and in the traditions and richness we can build into our own lives. At a conference I attended once, a presenter spoke about the importance of having things to look forward to as a protective factor in our lives, as a counter to hopelessness, despair, loneliness and depression.

    Just this morning, I was having a chat with our back neighbour about dogs and how they have life all worked out. Warm food, a soft place to sleep, a good belly rub or scratch behind one's ear and a daily walk around the neighbourhood to meet up with "friends" and wag their tails awhile.


  2. Hi Meg, You are such an excellent writer. I really agree with that presenter that you mentioned. Dogs are wonderful teachers, aren't they? They are so loving and affectionate.

  3. Wow! Napoli looks big. This might sound strange to many, but I look forward to days I get to stay home. It doesn't happen all that often so it's a treat. I got to stay home today 😊

    1. I felt the same way when I was teaching dance and yoga, Lady Locust. I understand.

  4. Simple pleasures are the best. My days out cost nothing, or very little at most. I look forward to trips away. The anticipation, budgeting and planning is part of the whole experience for me. X

  5. Great post! Having something special to look forward to is so important. I hope you have a wonderful reunion with your friends. It sounds like such a fun thing to do. Right now, I am looking forward to my daughter's next visit. :)

    1. Hi Bless, It sounds like you always have a wonderful time with your daughter.

  6. Looking forward to events and activities is what makes life complete. I sometimes think the anticipation and planning is better than the actual event!!! I am a planner by nature so rarely to things happen in my life spontaneously. It is nice to know we are kindred spirits in that regard!!

    1. I know what you mean, Anita. It's all in your imagination. It's fun to decide what you are going to do and see.

  7. I love impromptu last minute bargain holidays with the local bus company. They are so cheap and we get to visit places it might never have occurred to us to visit

    1. Hi Cherie, Yes. I've noticed that the prices drop for cruises, too, if you book them at the last minute. They want to fill all of the cabins.

  8. I look forward to meeting up with the family, since our move we don't see them as often.

    1. I bet they are looking forward to meeting up with you, too, mm.

  9. I love the adventures you go on, so wonderful and as you said good for the soul. Sometimes I just need an early evening in bed with a good book or my knitting. That is good for my soul!

    1. Thanks Mereknits. There's nothing like a good book or knitting.

  10. I look forward to seeing my family and friends again, and going on day trips. When I work, I also look forward to weekends and holidays. I believe we must have things to look forward to, no matter how simple they are.

    Have a wonderful time with your friends, Stephenie.

    1. I agree, Nil. I remember looking forward to my days off when I was working really hard, too.
