Sunday, August 25, 2019



  1. ohhh wow, i didn't realise it snowed in California!
    it is pretty with all the snow around but bbbrrr no thanx lol snow white cottage is lovely, they have gone to a lot of work making that, must be stunning in spring
    can't wait til we see your new cottage/cabin (what's the difference?)
    thanx for sharing

  2. Thanks Selina. I love the snow and cold. I will finally have a fireplace. It's perfect for wearing all of the sweaters that I have knit, too. To me, a cabin is woods, surrounded by pine tree. Some of them are made of logs.

  3. Believe it or not-I have never been to Wrightwood even though both sons have skied there many times. It looks charming. The Snow White cottage looks so sweet and the lighted car parade must be a hoot. I guess you will need to invest in some chains for your car!!!

    1. Hi Anita, It is very charming. It reminds me of Santa Fe, New Mexico. I loved living there, up on the mountaintop. The chains worked really well for me.
