Sunday, April 26, 2020

A Day of Sunshine, Friendship, and Working in the Garden

the first pomegranate bud

This morning, as I was digging up weeds around the fruit trees, my phone rang.  I  plopped the purple flowers into the green waste bin, and shut the lid.  I fished my phone  out of my apron pocket, and saw  that it was my friend Mark from New York!  We often sit and chat for a long time on Sunday mornings.  He asked if I was having coffee.  I explained that I was gardening, and told him that I would go grab a cup.   I put down my shovel, and raced into the kitchen to retrieve the mug of French press coffee that I had chilling in the fridge.  I love to have my third cup of coffee cold this time of year.  Settling into the porch swing, I asked him how things were going.

This rose is difficult to photograph, because it tends to glow-I love the green foliage

We caught up since our last conversation, talked about how our lives have been adjusting to these new shelter in place times, our families, our stocks, and our plans.  It's so healing to have old friends who know you so well.  I always feel better after I talk with him.  

aloe vera patch in bloom

Later on, I cut some blooms from my rose bushes and put them in vases with fresh greenery.  It's inspiring to glance at them when I walk through the bedroom or use the bathroom.  I have always wanted a cutting garden.  The new rose bushes are producing like mad.  It's a dream come true.

What's happening with you?

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  1. Those roses are beautiful. You have a big aloe patch. Do you use aloe for anything? I've seen aloe leaves for sale at grocery stores.

    1. Hi Nil, I should use it more often. I use it on bug bites and burns. It's so good for you. My friend puts it in his smoothies. It feels nice on the skin, too.

  2. Your garden is coming along so nicely! I need to mulch my garden, more! How nice to have phone conversations with long-time friends and catch up on each other's news! Mmm- iced coffee! I should make some! It's hot enough for that!

    1. It is, Bless. Iced coffee is so refreshing on a hot day. It feels like a dessert to me.

  3. So nice to have a long chat with an old friend. And working in the garden makes us all feel happier.

    1. That's true, emw. I have been feeding my plants compost tea this evening. It's nice and cool outside right now.

  4. It all looks beautiful. Definitely food for the soul.

    1. Thanks Joy. The garden brings me much happiness. The kids in the neighborhood seem to enjoy the energy that it emanates, too.

  5. Glad you were able to catch up with your friend. Technology these days is keeping family and friends together and for that I am very thankful. Take care and stay safe.

  6. It is always a treat to have a conversation with a friend. I love being able to put garden flowers into the house. I try to cut back my snapdragons often and put them in vases throughout the house. I planted some sweetpeas this spring just for that purpose.

    1. Oh, I love sweetpeas! I wish I had bought some seeds. They smell amazing. Maybe I will buy some night blooming jasmine.

  7. It's lovely that you were able to talk with your long-time friend and share that connection over phone and coffee. Your rose is beautiful! Meg:)

    1. Thanks Meg. I have been enjoying the rose blooms indoors. It's lovely to see them open and go through their various stages.

  8. So lovely to see your garden thriving and providing such joy for you.
    I just found a 'mash up 'of Footloose music, so many fantastic,amazing dance clips,on Utube..... I am sure you will enjoy it.
    Trying times, we all need a little happy at the moment.

    1. Hi MargaretP, Being around the kids makes me forget about the pandemic. They seem happy to be outside, riding their bikes and enjoying the sunshine.

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks Angela. It is a refuge. I love the vibe out there.

  10. Your garden is beautiful Stephenie.

    It is so good to get a phone call from an old friend, they seem to cheer your days. I am going to pick my phone up today and call my dearest friends in my old home town. Thank you for the reminding me how important old friends are.


    1. Hi Tania, For some reason, I didn't see this comment until now. So glad that you called your close friends today. I'm sure they loved hearing from you.
