Thursday, April 9, 2020

Baking Apple Crisp and Doing Yoga at Home

Today I decided to use up the bag of Granny Smith apples that I bought a couple of weeks ago, and to make an apple crisp.  It's a delicious dessert that I bake a few times a year.  I peeled and sliced the apples, added the water, cinnamon, and nutmeg, and then mixed the sugar and flour with a cube of butter for the topping.

The aroma of it baking in my vintage oven reminded me of Mrs. Hutchinson.  She was my favorite neighbor when I was a little girl.  She used to make apple crisp  and she topped it with frozen Cool Whip. Her husband and I loved it!  We would sit at the table by the window and enjoy it together.  She always sent me home with a bag of Pippin apples, already sliced, and instructed me to keep them in the freezer.  I would make the recipe for my family, and bring some to her.  She was a wonderful and patient teacher.

I have been doing yoga each evening, and it's really helping me to calm down during this pandemic and to get centered.  Lula loves it, too.  She wants to lay all over me when I'm practicing.  I am so glad that I studied and taught yoga for so many years.  I started when I was very little, following Lillias, Yoga, and You on the black and white television that my family had in Seattle.  I would put on my black leotard, grab a chair, and follow her class.  I absolutely loved it.  Still seems to induce a deep, comforting, sleep.

What are you doing for exercise while we are all staying at home? 


  1. That sounds so very delicious. Perfect comfort food. Is it what we call a crumble?

    1. Yes, Joy. Same ingredients, from what my readers are saying. Such a yummy and easy dessert!

  2. Yum! Apple crisp! That sounds so delicious!

    I am glad you are able to do yoga and find it helpful, especially these days. I have been trying to walk in my driveway for a few minutes, every day. It's not enough exercise, but, it's something.

    1. My neighbor walks in her driveway, too, Bless. Every little bit helps.

  3. We have been eating stewed quinces from our tree. YUM! Your apple crisp would be so nice too. I used to do yoga, but I found that my over-rotating joints did not appreciate it.

  4. I adore apple desserts, Stephanie and your apple crisp sounds a lot like my favourite apple crumble. Delicious! Your yoga practice sounds like a really relaxing part of your day. For me, it's walking. I take our dog for a walk or two each day and it's always a favourite time. MegXx

    1. Dog walking is Lula's favorite part of the day. I love it, too, Meg.

  5. I had to google apple crisp. I think here in the UK we call it apple crumble and it is one of my favourite desserts ever. The combination of cinnamon and apple is divine. I walk or run for exercise, it clears my head in a similar way yoga does for you. Have a lovely weekend x

    1. That's great, Christina. It really helps to have regular exercise. The recipe I use also has nutmeg, which is lovely with the apples and cinnamon.

  6. Nice memories! I had a neighbor (my grandma's neighbor) who always gave us these pink marshmallow-type cookies. I crave them now and they can't be I had some summer apples sliced and peeled in my freezer that we used up a couple months ago. Wish I had them now after reading your post. Keep healthy! Andrea

    1. Those cookies sound like fun, Andrea. Apples are so delicious in desserts.

  7. I have always walked/hiked for exercise. Luckily or unluckily (depending on your opinion!) I live in a very hilly area so brisk walking is a good aerobic workout. About a year ago I started doing some strength exercises-deep knee bends, push ups and arm weights. It is so very important to move and exercise as we age.

    1. It sure is, Anita. I just finished doing yoga. I miss riding my bike, but the chain keeps falling off...

  8. Hi Stephenie. I am not really exercising at the moment. My chest is a little weak and I don't want to overdo it. Must be honest and say that I am missing the routine of my morning exercise but I tried the other day and exhausted myself. Oh well, there's always next week or the week after. Hope you are staying safe. x

    1. Oh, that worries me about your chest, Cherie. I hope that you and Tony are feeling strong and healthy.

  9. Your apple crisp sounds like what I would call apple crumble. It's delicious, and I like mine served with hot custard.
    I wish I was as disciplined as you are with exercising at home. I should make more effort to do this, especially now. X

    1. Thanks Jules. I am trying to get back my discipline with neatness. I seem to be developing little piles here and there. I am working on it.

  10. Hi Stephenie.

    Your apple crisp sounds delicious! And what a lovely story about Mrs Hutchinson.

    I really should try yoga to help me sleep. I am trying to get more sleep to build my immune system. Some nights are better than others.

    Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks Tania. Yoga does seem to make me sleep much more deeply and soundly. I notice that I wake up regularly when I don't do it before bed. Happy Easter.

  11. A few circuit training exercises that I was taught at heart rehab and a short walk building it up a little at a time. Nice memories of the apple crisp. Take care.

    1. Your exercise routine sounds good, mm. Apple crisp is so yummy. There are still leftovers in the fridge.

  12. I bet your house smelled delicious! Stay safe!
