Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail!

This afternoon, I glanced out my window, and noticed this sweet little bunny grooming himself.  He or she carefully licked her paws, stroked her ears, and then settled in for a nap.  Her eyes squinted shut, as she faced me.

I see bunnies every day in my front and backyard.  If I were a hunter, I could use a slingshot and make rabbit stew, but they are just too cute and sweet to harm.  Instead, I silently thank them for coming,  and commune with them.  I love being in the presence of animals.  They are so calm, and in tune with nature.

My mail lady thanked me for the blood oranges and lemons that I left for her in the mailbox.  I always enjoy chatting with her.  She brought a box in the mail today containing items that I need to care for my teeth.  Not wanting to risk going  to the store,  I ordered from Zellies.  I now have plenty of tooth brushes, Crest regular tooth paste, Listerine, Closys, ACT, and zylotol gum and mints.  That is a huge relief.  The last place I would want to visit right now is the dentist.

How are your teeth feeling?  Sometimes stress and fear can make our mouths more sensitive.

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  1. Oh how sweet! Bunnies are really kinda comical to watch sometimes. Makes me wonder what's going through their head:-)

    1. Yes, this one was so cute. He seemed so happy and relaxed. I love to watch animals in nature.

  2. Aww a cute bunny!

    I wish bunnies visited my garden. Do they eat your veggies?

    1. HI Nil, Sometimes. I had some trouble with them nibbling on the lettuce. They also seem to like the hollyhock leaves. Some of them eat weeds, too.

  3. You're right, it can. I think clenching and grinding the teeth ate tension things and can really make the jaw ache. Not nice.
    I'm glad you're all set up with dental stuff now.

    1. Yes, I know what you mean. It's a relief to have all the dental supplies.

  4. Oh, how cute! Maybe it will bring an Easter egg for you! I once had a little rabbit show up in my backyard, a long time ago, but that was the only time.

    I'm glad you got your dental care package in the mail. I've a dental appointment scheduled for this month, but, I think I need to reschedule it (for a cleaning; nothing urgent).

    1. Hi Bless, That's fortunate that it is only for a cleaning. It would be challenge to be in need of dental work right now.

  5. I have always visited the dentist regularly and my teeth are in pretty good condition for my age...lol..I do dread having a dental problem right now though so am being extra careful with dental hygiene too. I have good stocks of toothpaste, floss, replacement heads for my rechargeable toothbrush and mouthwash.
    I love the little bunny! Being in a new build home now, we see very little wildlife, not even birds. I can't wait to get the garden established so that the birds will come.

    1. Yes, they will, PP. The birds here love our gardens and my backyard orchard. They seem to feel safer with places to hide.

  6. What a lovely bunny and how wonderful to see them every day (though I think they are a bit partial to some things growing in gardens)! I always had pet rabbits as a small child and still have a big soft spot for them. I had a dental appointment (cancelled of course) on Monday and am feeling glad that I didn't have to go. Last night I dreamed that one of my front teeth crumbled and I was left with a gap. I looked up the meaning and read..." the crumbling teeth seen in your dream can indicate a loss of control in life or that you are unable to defend an attack by your enemies". Well that pretty much sums up life right now!

    1. That sounds very accurate, Eloise. I have had that same dream, myself. In my case, I needed dental work done. I love rabbits, too. They are so soft and sweet.

  7. That bunny looks so cute. I would be delighted if I saw one in my garden but only as long as it didn't eat my food crops,

    1. Hi Cherie, I have tons of them, especially in the backyard. They all look so healthy and well fed. They are really cute.

  8. I always enjoy seeing rabbits. We have a lot of them around here because of the nature reserve. Rabbits don't bother our plants unlike those stupid ground squirrels. I miss having a regular mailman-the one we who had our route for several years retired about 6 months ago and we have had temporary or substitutes ever since. One of my father's dearest friends was his mail lady, Michelle. She is the sweetest lady and I still communicate with her. My teeth are good!

    1. Hi Anita, It is nice to have a regular mail carrier. Our lady is very kind. We love her. Lula helps me chase the squirrels away; she goes nuts when she sees them.

  9. Nice to see the wildlife. Good plan to ensure your teeth are well looked after. Like you I wouldn't want to have to visit the dentist at the moment. Although, I am sure all safety measures would be taken.

    1. We get to see lots of wildlife here, mm. I really enjoy it. There were some small bats flying around the other night, which made me a bit uneasy.

  10. I have a little set of extra drawers in our bathroom where I keep toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss etc. that I have bought when they've been on special. Our dentist has closed for forseeable future so caring for teeth is even more important now.

    A very cute bunny to have visiting your garden. Perhaps, he or she may leave a chocolate egg or two come Sunday?? MegXx

    1. Hi Meg, Oh, a chocolate egg sounds divine right now. I have a wreath made of Easter eggs on my front gate. It's so sweet and colorful. That's great that you have extra dental supplies on hand. Even better that you got them on sale...

  11. I see so many rabbits in the fields near my house, never in the garden, however. I don't like having to endure dental treatment and so, having a sweet tooth, I make sure to take very good care of my teeth. X

    1. I am the same way, Jules. It is so worth it. Zylotol after meals has made a huge difference for me.
