Sunday, June 30, 2019

An Inspiring Podcast by Suze Orman

Each Thursday and Sunday I look forward to listening to Suze Orman's podcast. It's called Women and Money.  Today's episode is about having faith that everything happens for the best. Suze has been a real inspiration to me for many years. I have followed her advice carefully, and it has always worked.  I hope you enjoy it.

Thank you for your comments. They add so much talent and energy to the blog. Please comment in English. I'm sorry, but comments with links will not be published. If you enjoy the posts here, please share them.


  1. Thank you for the link, Stephenie.

  2. Hi Bless, She's so great, and so generous. I hope you enjoy it.

  3. Yes, she in inspirational. Thanks for the link. Doing any knitting?

    1. Hi Anita, I love her. I haven't been knitting. I need to get back to my gloves,but it's been warm. I am doing some decluttering. I hope your knitting is going well. I always love to see what you make.
