Thursday, August 3, 2017

Following Your Soul's Plan

When I was a little girl, my dream was to be a professional dancer. I longed to perform on stage and in television and movies. I loved the Rockettes, and would eagerly watch them whenever they were on television. I imagined how exciting it would be to join their kick line. I wanted it so badly, I could taste it. I put my total and complete focus on achieving that goal.

As I spent my life training in the dance studio, I visualized my vision of being a professional dancer every night. I had a poster above my bed that read, "If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it." I would repeat those words to myself, consistently, before I went to sleep. It gave me the strength and creativity to overcome any obstacles. When I needed money to pay for all of the classes that were required to become an advanced dancer, I got work. Whether it was assisting my dance teachers, babysitting, and working as a mother's helper, I offered.  I would do anything: wash windows, walk dogs, clean ovens, fold laundry, you name it.  I found lots of jobs that I could do right in our own neighborhood.

When my mom couldn't drive me to the studio anymore, I saved up my money from working and bought myself a Yamahopper. Because it was technically a motorcycle, I had to get a motorcycle license, at age fifteen. I did well on the driving part of the test, but I failed the written section. (Three times.) I was mortified. I just couldn't visualize the situations that they described on paper, probably because I was so young. I had no driving experience. My need was to get from home to the dance studio, which was just several blocks. The fourth time I retook the test, I scored 100%. I was elated. The real reason I finally passed was that there were only three tests. I had memorized my mistakes on all of them. Thankfully, I could now drive legally.. .my transportation problem was solved. I also no longer had to walk to school. I was the only girl in high school who carried around a bright yellow motorcycle helmet, and rode a moped.

I believe that  determination is the main factor in realizing your dreams. Now, when I want to achieve something, I always visualize the end result. "Press on, Baby, press on," my dance partner Fred Boothe used to tell me. I always went after what I wanted,  career wise. I felt something inside of me that I couldn't deny. I loved the people that I met in dance class. I felt such a strong connection to them. We had the same passion, and it gave us the same joy.  I admired the stars, the directors, and the choreographers. They were doing what I wanted to do, and I never lost sight of that vision.

 I was watching a show with Oprah Winfrey and Gary Zukov on Youtube recently. They were explaining that when the personality aligns with the soul, you become unstoppable. We all see this when people's careers seem to take off, and they achieve enormous success. What we don't see is the years of training, discipline, and preparation that led up to it.       


  1. I agree with what you say in your final paragraph. A lot of people tell me how lucky I am but from my perspective, the harder I work, the luckier I get. Great photos, you look so pretty in your costumes. :- )

    1. I was actually thinking of you as I wrote that last paragraph, Rhonda. When I first stumbled on to your blog, I was immediately captivated by the hours and hours you had spent making it beautiful. I was so impressed with your writing and your talent. Thank you for the compliment. Those costumes were treasures. The designers were fabulous! We were so fortunate to work with them.

  2. Your dedication is absolutely amazing. I used to run a lot and trained for many races and ended up training for and completing a marathon. It required a lot of dedication and a lot of hard, hard training. I trained on my own when needed, pushed myself hard, kept going and used a lot of self talk.
    I feel so fortunate with everything that's been gained from hard work. Someone once said to me - 'you are creating that fortune.'

    1. Thank you, Kylie. Yes, that's true. My dad used to tell me, "Virtue is its own reward." It sounds like you are still very disciplined with your morning exercise routine.

  3. I admire your dedication to your dancing - how wonderful! And so many beautiful costumes. I have never found my nieche in a physical sense, coordination is not so much my gifting! ;)

    But I have a life in which I feel deeply blessed in, and my dedication is to my faith, my family, my church and my studies. All these things feel me with a deep sense of joy and gratitude. Even on the bad days.


    1. Thank you, Emma. That's wonderful that you have found happiness in your life. Everyone has unique gifts to offer the world. It sounds like you have found yours.

  4. How wonderful that you were so connected to a dream from such a young age and that you had the passion to do whatever you needed to do in order to make it happen. That's very inspiring! Great photos too. It looks like a lot of fun! The hard work was obviously well worth it. Looking forward to reading more.

    1. Thank you Michelle. Yes, everything that you wrote is true. I appreciate you kind words and encouragement.

  5. Your posts show your passion and dedication to dancing. I always admire dancers and musicians and am amazed at their beautiful performances.

    1. I admire them , too, Nil. It takes so much training and practice to make it look effortless. I love teaching yoga to musicians, because they have so much self discipline.

  6. Just a beautiful blog....I've so enjoyed reading about your life, your dancing and crafts... I love your wool winding chair too! Cheers Vikki aKa cqgardeningchick

    1. Why thank you, Vikki! So great so see you here. I found that chair at the Salvation Army for $20.00! It's beautifully made, and it's a rocker, (perfect for knitting.) Thanks for the comment and the encouragement.
