Thursday, November 9, 2017

An Afternoon of Crochet

I worked on this little sock yarn bag this afternoon, and got it completed. I used up some leftover wool from my stash. I absolutely love the result! They are so cute, and really fun to make. The pattern is called Handy Dandy Sock Yarn Bags. It's on the yellow pink and sparkly blog. You can also find it as a free pattern on Ravelry.  It's called Crochet Sock Yarn Bags.

This is what they look like in the early stage, after making the base.

I used it when it was partially completed as a candle holder. I really like the effect. These would make sweet little  Christmas gifts.

The irises and amaranths are blooming in November. It was nice to take a break in the garden.

There are still several  chocolate chip cookies leftover from baking the other day.

Here is the finished bag. You chain to make a drawstring. I can't wait to make another one.   


  1. It amazes me how fast you are with your knitting.
    Are they the Toll House cookies by any chance? I see them pop up a lot.

    1. Hi Kylie, I'm sorry I didn't see your comment until now. This is an old post. Yes, they are the famous Toll House cookies!

  2. It's so pretty. And I love your tea cup and pot too.

  3. Hi Kylie, Yes, they are. They're extremely popular in America. I like them chewy.

  4. cute bag but i'd be frightened of losing my needles through the holes!
    i miss choc chip bikkies ...
    am thinking of having a go at growing those amaranths, they look hardy & pretty plus they're edible! triple bonus
    hope you have a great weekend
    thanx for sharing

    1. They do really well in the heat, Selina. I love how they tower over everything. I haven't figured out how to eat them. The color is spectacular.

  5. That is great Stephanie. I like it as a candle holder. Also, your ballet shoes are beautiful!

  6. Thanks Lady Locust. I like it as a candle holder, too. Those little ballet shoes were given to me on a Christmas gift, years ago. She was an ice skater, and I taught her private ballet.

  7. Lindas flores, deliciosos bolos e lindos trabalhos. Bom fim de semana. Cumprimentos.

    1. Thank you Sandra. I translated your comment: beautiful flowers, delicious cookies, beautiful work. Have a good weekend. Greetings.

      What a sweet and thoughtful message. Thank you.

  8. That bag is just lovely! What gorgeous colours. And those irises are just so pretty, I love their colour too. Meg:)

    1. Thanks Meg. It was so much fun to make, I'm doing another one. The yarn is Austermann, and it's hand dyed. The blog address for the pattern is now listed in the first paragraph. I love the purple irises, too.

  9. Thanks ...Fabricole. I love it that way, too.
