Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Home Grown Lettuce in Salads

I've been making salads each day with the fresh lettuce from the garden. It's really delicious. The tender, baby greens  taste completely different than the large heads of Romaine that I normally buy at Sprouts. I probably will need to purchase some more plants, because I'm starting to pick too many of the outer leaves. They need a rest period, so that they can fill out again.  Each year this usually happens. I need about five six packs of the starter plants to provide enough for daily salads. It's worth it. For me, lettuce is one of the easiest vegetables to grow. It's so much more pleasant to be outside gardening now, because the temperature is perfect. It's ideal weather for bike riding, walking, and hiking, too.

I made an apple crisp over the weekend, and am still enjoying the leftovers. It's a wonderful dessert to pair with a cup of freshly brewed coffee or tea. I love the spices,  and their flavors and aromas. The cinnamon, allspice, and apples are such a treat with the buttery topping. This recipe reminds me of my childhood. My neighbor, Mrs. Hutchinson, taught me how to make it.

I have been taking care of the potager garden. I've got flowers, fruit trees, cauliflower, broccoli, citrus trees, strawberries, and chokeberries in this small front plot. It's fun to see and feel the difference in the area. I mulched it with straw, and the plants are all doing well. I have to make sure to keeps the dogs on the porch, now, and not let them frolic through the young plants. Lula came to visit today, and spent most of the time on my lap. She is just bursting with enthusiasm and affection. I adore her. She loves our bike rides together. The running  seems to calm her down and fill her with happiness.

Now that the weather is cooler, this little peppermint plant is much more comfortable and healthy. I plan to use it to make some fresh tea with honey. I love the taste of it. I am making an effort to grow and use more herbs. They have such wonderful benefits. They adapt very easily to our soil and climate here in California, too. How is your garden doing?


  1. The flavours in your apple crisp sound just so good - yum.
    Being such a big veggie and salad eater I was instantly drawn to the photo of your bowl of goodness. Just like you my garden has trouble keeping up with me. Adding your fresh herbs to salads would be a great addition too.
    Enjoy the cooler weather.

  2. Hi Kylie, I will publish the apple crisp recipe soon. It's quick and easy. Sometimes I add fresh cilantro to my salads. It's delicious.

    1. I love cilantro or as we call it coriander. Others in the family don't share my enthusiasm.
      Looking forward to the recipe and thankyou.

  3. i love growing heirlooms, cos it means you get seeds & you can grow more without it costing you anything! win, win. your little plot looks good, good luck with the growing, hope all do well.
    that apple crisp looks delicious, though i'd ommit the cinnamon (don't like the taste) looks very moist too.
    thanx for sharing

  4. Hi Selina, it also has nutmeg, which I love. You are right about the heirlooms. I will have to save the seeds this year. Maybe I will plant my own starters next year.

  5. My carrots and radishes are growing so slowly now that the sun has moved so far to the south. No more lettuce for now, but we may plant some seeds in the winter garden shortly. Right now we are being plagued with a rather busy squirrel who likes to dig in the garden. He is very chubby and cute, but he is wreaking havoc right now. Be careful with the mint-if you plant it in the ground it will TAKE OVER!! We grow mint geranium and a peppermint in pots and I love them.

    1. I love those plants, too, Anita. Some people plant the pot of mint in the ground. I just keep it on the porch. Sorry about the squirrel.

  6. Hi Stephenie, I look forward to your apple crisp recipe. Apples are somewhat less expensive now, so it's the perfect time to try your recipe. :)
    I need to add more herbs to my garden.

    1. Hi Nil, That is on my list to post today. I just got home from mailing your socks! Yes, apples are in season.

  7. Lettuce is one of my favourite things to grow in the garden too. I love that you can be eating it really not that long after you plant it! Great for children to grow too. My favourite variety is called Lollo Rosso and it's delicious! It's been raining for days here which is wonderful because it was so dry for the whole of winter and so hot in the first week of Spring. I have quite a few lettuces ready to pick so that's on my list of for the weekend. Then, I need to plant a few new lettuce seedlings so we have a constant supply for salad. Your salad looks great! Meg:)

  8. Hi Meg, Thank you. I love a fresh garden salad. I'm glad to hear that you have gotten plenty of rain. That's one of the things I like about growing lettuce and spinach, too.
