Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Are You Happy or Unhappy?

a picnic at Grassy Hollow Visitor Center near the cabin

I've been thinking recently about why some women over fifty seem so unhappy and depressed.  A lady that I taught yoga to years ago told me,  "When you get older, you can either become  bitter, or more loving."  She was very bright, kind, and generous.  In her smile and attitude I saw the kind of  person that I wanted to grow into as a senior.

Most of the women I know who complain are usually upset with their families.  They aren't getting their needs met, and they don't look elsewhere for happiness.  Many want someone to take care of them.  I don't have children, so that's never been my source of love and companionship, although I loved teaching my girls when I had a teaching career in dance.  The boys were wonderful, too, but it was mostly a female environment.

I think having an  healthy routine is key.  Daily exercise, (that you enjoy,) puts you in a higher state, mentally.  It also discharges negativity.  Many depressed women don't exercise.  Looking your best also raises self esteem.  If your hair, skin, and clothing makes you feel attractive  and sexy, your vibration will be different than someone who hates how they look and has low self esteem.  Daily showers, clean clothes, scrubbed nails, brushed hair, and a bit of lipstick can do wonders.

What really seems to influence our mood in my opinion, is having a home and garden that makes you feel comforted.  It's satisfying to feel proud of your living space.  I am shocked by how many people are now surrounded by stuff, and a lot of it doesn't even belong to them.  If you have objects that are broken, dirty, dusty, or rusty sitting in your yard or home, it will bring the energy down greatly.  In the early days, people really nurtured their homes, and they just had what they needed.  Many people now are drowning in stuff that they don't want, use, or have the space to store.  It can make you sick. I've had people want me to store their extra stuff for them, and I don't take it.  I spend a lot of time keeping my environment clear, and those who hoard sometime take that as a signal to try and start moving their excess into my area.  Sometimes you have to claim your space.  How does your space feel?  Are you happy or unhappy?

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  1. Great post Stepanie, I am happy generally, but will only be truly happy when we are in our own cosy space, I always try to look presentable, it does change how you feel I think.

    1. I think so, too, Everyday Life. It really changes how people respond to you, as well.

  2. I am very happy. I have a sweet husband and a loving son. My home is a bit cluttered with his stuff at the moment but when Alexander reclaims it all I can reclaim my space.. My garden looks pretty and my neighbours are smashing. What more can anyone ask for

    1. That's wonderful, Cherie. You sound very happy and grateful. I'm sure your neighbors love you, too.

  3. I’m very happy. I think some people are often unhappy, or not satisfied because they look for happiness from outside factors. For example, they always attach their worth and happiness to more money, nicer clothes, a better job, a partner etc. So they are often unhappy until/unless they have those things.

    1. That's a good point, Nil. I think a lot of it comes from having enough time, money, and energy. Health makes a huge difference, too.

  4. Great post! Very thought provoking! Am I happy? For the most part, yes! I choose to be happy. I could choose to be unhappy, too, if I wanted to - I can certainly think of a whole list of reasons why I could be unhappy, including childhood trauma, a failed marriage, health issues, etc., etc., etc., but, I choose not to focus on them. I choose to look on the positive side of things and count my blessings, such as being alive, my daughter, good friends, etc.! :)

  5. That's what I do, too, Bless. Happiness is a choice. We have to discipline our minds.

  6. I have to say I am very happy and have always looked on the good side my entire life. Perhaps that is because my sister and I were brought up to believe that spending time in what my father called "navel contemplation" (dwelling on your own self and your feelings) was unacceptable. Having a calm environment to come home to is essential. Being surrounded by what is important to you be it nature or other people is key to happiness. And giving back to those who are vital to your happiness always helps. What a wonderful post Stephenie and thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. It is always good to find a kindred spirit.

    1. Hi Anita, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you. I believe in following your heart and your dreams. Doing what energizes the spirit works for me. Thanks for posting.

  7. This is a great post Stephenie.

    I am going to be honest and admit that this year I have been that over 50 year old that is unhappy and depressed. I am struggling with most things in life, having suffered anxiety all my life except now it is very much worse.

    I am working on solutions but it is not easy because of the environment and people that surround me. I will keep pushing on and trying to find the positive in such a negative world.


    1. Hi Tania, Your posts always sound so upbeat and positive. I really think our environment and the people we see each day influence how we feel. Also, after fifty, everything changes. Our hormones, skin, bodies, libido, etc. I do think it's natural and healthy, though. It's just another stage.

  8. i am quite happy within myself, though there is some improvements to be had but they will come in their own time, i don't push for change as i don't do change that well but when it's needed it is easier.
    am not that great in keeping house either but i'm happy & mostly healthy (to a point)
    great post
    thanx for sharing

    1. Hi selina, My mother used to say, "I don't like change!" Her little dog was the same way. It was so funny. Everything had to be done at the exact same time every day.
